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The Hubble Space Telescope

Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe

Daily Report #10215

Period Covered:
08:00 PM July 01, 2024 - 07:59 PM July 02, 2024
(DOY 184/0000z - 184/2359z)

Program Principal Investigator Program Title
Science Observations Scheduled
17309 Vihang Mehta, California Institute of Technology Resolved imaging survey of the analogs of high-z massive, star-forming clumps
17423 Giulia Tozzi, Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics Towards an unbiased sample of sub-arcsec dual AGN with HST/STIS
17428 Kevin France, University of Colorado at Boulder The M dwarf FUV Continuum: A Missing Driver of Atmospheric Hazes in Exoplanet Atmospheres
17455 Yue Shen, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign A Snapshot Survey of Sub-arcsec Dual Quasars and Lenses at z>2
17486 Andrew Battisti, Australian National University UV-MAGPI: Sharpening our View of Dust Attenuation
17509 Christina Lindberg, The Johns Hopkins University Winging the SMC: 3D Structure of the Interstellar Medium in the Tidally Distrupted Wing of the SMC
17517 Hsiao-Wen Chen, University of Chicago CONTACT: Circumgalactic Observations of Nuv-shifted Transitions Across Cosmic Time
Calibration Observations Scheduled
17346 Harish Khandrika, Space Telescope Science Institute WFC3 UVIS Bowtie Monitor
17348 Aidan Pidgeon, Space Telescope Science Institute WFC3 UVIS CCD Daily Monitor Part 2
17371 Frederick Dauphin, Space Telescope Science Institute WFC3 CSM Monitor with Earth Flats
17375 Sophia Medallon, Space Telescope Science Institute STIS CCD Dark Monitor Part 2
17378 Daniel Stapleton, Space Telescope Science Institute STIS CCD Bias and Read Noise Monitor Part 2