Official Space Weather Advisory issued by NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center

Boulder, Colorado, USA


2024 July 14 at 8:08 p.m. MDT (2024 July 15 0208 UTC)


Summary For July 8-14

R1 (minor) solar radiation storms were observed on 08, 10, 11, 13 and 14 Jul. R2 (moderate) solar radiation storms were observed on 13 Jul. R3 (strong) solar radiation storms were observed on 14 Jul.

No other significant space weather was observed.

Outlook For July 15-21

R1 and R2 (minor to moderate) solar radiation storms are likely through the outlook period.

No other significant space weather is expected.

Data used to provide space weather services are contributed by NOAA,

USAF, NASA, NSF, USGS, the International Space Environment Services 

and other observatories, universities, and institutions. More 

information is available at SWPC's Web site

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