Jul 16, 2024

The PO.DAAC is pleased to announce the public release of the Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System ( CYGNSS) data products from the CYGNSS science team including level 1 calibrated raw IF v1.0 dataset, level 2 surface heat flux v3.2 dataset, level 3 ocean microplastic concentration v3.2 dataset, level 3 soil moisture v3.2 dataset and monthly watermask v3.1 dataset from UC Berkeley. The datasets are provided in netCDF-4 format and extend from 1 August 2018 to the present with an approximate 6 day latency, and additional descriptions of the data products are documented below:

L1 Calibrated Raw IF v1.0 – This dataset is produced by the CYGNSS Science Team of the University of Michigan, and it contains the first release, Version 1.0, of the CYGNSS Calibrated Raw Intermediate Frequency (IF) based L1 Product. This product includes several established signal coherence detectors, including the power-ratio Pratio, complex zero-Doppler delay waveform and full entropy Efull, and a novel fast entropy detector Efast. Both entropy detectors are provided with two temporal resolutions: 2 ms and 50 ms. Several scattered signal strength products are included in the dataset.

L2 Ocean Surface Heat Flux V3.2 – This dataset provides time-tagged and geolocated ocean surface heat flux parameters with 25x25 kilometer footprint resolution from the Delay Doppler Mapping Instrument (DDMI) aboard the CYGNSS satellite constellation. The reported sample locations are determined by the specular points corresponding to the Delay Doppler Maps (DDMs). Version 3.2 uses CYGNSS Level 2 (L2) Science Data Record (SDR) Version 3.2 surface wind speeds and ECMWF Reanalysis, Version 5 (ERA5).

L3 Soil Moisture V3.2 – This dataset is produced by the CYGNSS Science Team of the University of Michigan, it is derived from version 3.2 of the CYGNSS L1 SDR dataset and provides volumetric water content estimates for soils between 0-5 cm depth at a 6-hour discretization for most of the subtropics. The data are archived in daily files in netCDF-4 format. Volumetric soil moisture water content in units of cm3/cm3 is provided with two gridding resolutions, 9x9 km and 36x36 km.

L3 Ocean Microplastic Concentration V3.2 – This dataset contains the version 3.2 CYGNSS Level 3 ocean microplastic concentration data record, which provides microplastic concentration on a daily temporal and 0.25-degree latitude/longitude spatial grid with 30-day, 1 degree latitude/longitude feature resolution, as constrained by the binning and spatiotemporal averaging of the Mean Square Slope (MSS) anomaly. Version 3.2 uses CYGNSS MSS measurements that are derived from updated v3.2 Level 1 scattering cross section data and has updated the parameterizations in the data processing algorithm to use v3.2 data correctly.

L3 Monthly Watermask V3.1 - This dataset was developed by CYGNSS investigators in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley. It is derived from version 3.1 of the CYGNSS L1 SDR dataset, and provides monthly binary inland surface water classification data at a 0.01-degree (~1x1 kilometer) resolution with a 1-month latency. This product, known as the UC Berkeley Random Walk Algorithm WaterMask from CYGNSS (Berkeley-RWAWC), generates water classification for a given location based on CYGNSS observations combined with a random walker algorithm. The watermask variable includes binary values indicating land (0), surface water (1), and no data/ocean (-99).

The CYGNSS datasets and documents are accessible via the dataset landing page on PO.DAAC web portal. Users are recommended to download the data using the podaac-data-subscriber. We also encourage users to visit PO.DAAC Cloud Cookbook for detailed information about how to access the data from NASA Earthdata Cloud. General information regarding the CYGNSS mission is available from the mission website.

Summary of Temporal and Spatial Resolution

  Temporal Resolution Spatial Resolution 
L1 Calibrated Raw IF v1.0 Irregular 1x1 km
L2 Ocean Surface Heat Flux V3.2 Daily 25x25 km
L3 Soil Moisture V3.2 Daily 36x36 km and 9x9 km
L3 Ocean Microplastic Concentration V3.2 Daily 0.25x0.25 degree
L3 Monthly Watermask V3.1 Monthly 0.01x0.01 degree


Related PO.DAAC Animation:

L2 Surface Heat Flux V3.2 ( https://podaac.jpl.nasa.gov/animations/CYGNSS-L2-SURFACE-FLUX-V3.2)

L3 Soil Moisture V3.2 (https://podaac.jpl.nasa.gov/animations/CYGNSS-L3-SOIL-MOISTURE-V3.2)

L3 Ocean Surface Microplastic Concentration V3.2 (https://podaac.jpl.nasa.gov/animations/CYGNSS-L3-MICROPLASTIC-V3.2)

Comments/Questions? Please contact podaac@podaac.jpl.nasa.gov or visit the PO.DAAC on Earthdata Forum.

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NASA JPL Physical Oceanography DAAC
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