Earlier reports Convert Day of Year

The Hubble Space Telescope

Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe

Daily Report #10244

Period Covered:
08:00 PM July 30, 2024 - 07:59 PM July 31, 2024
(DOY 213/0000z - 213/2359z)

Program Principal Investigator Program Title
Science Observations Scheduled
17421 Paul Strom, University of Warwick Shocking detections: Characterising exocometary shock fronts by tracking star-grazing comets using the UV AlIII line
17444 Dusan Tubin, Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP) Mapping the geometry of the new lensed quasar eRASS1 J050129.5-073309 using high resolution imaging of the lens and quasar host
17455 Yue Shen, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign A Snapshot Survey of Sub-arcsec Dual Quasars and Lenses at z>2
17504 Patrick Kelly, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities SNAP Survey for Strongly Lensed Supernovae and Magnified Stars
17512 Francisco Mueller-Sanchez, University of Memphis Probing SMBH/Galaxy Co-Evolution with Dual and Binary AGN
17517 Hsiao-Wen Chen, University of Chicago CONTACT: Circumgalactic Observations of Nuv-shifted Transitions Across Cosmic Time
17541 Glenn Kacprzak, Swinburne University of Technology Completing the uncharted baryon cycle at the ISM/CGM interface to determine how galaxies get their gas
Calibration Observations Scheduled
17335 Meaghan McDonald, Space Telescope Science Institute CCD Daily Monitor (Part 3)
17349 Aidan Pidgeon, Space Telescope Science Institute WFC3 UVIS CCD Daily Monitor Part 3
17371 Frederick Dauphin, Space Telescope Science Institute WFC3 CSM Monitor with Earth Flats
17376 Sophia Medallon, Space Telescope Science Institute STIS CCD Dark Monitor Part 3
17378 Daniel Stapleton, Space Telescope Science Institute STIS CCD Bias and Read Noise Monitor Part 2