Earlier reports Convert Day of Year

The Hubble Space Telescope

Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe

Daily Report #10267

Period Covered:
08:00 PM August 22, 2024 - 07:59 PM August 23, 2024
(DOY 236/0000z - 236/2359z)

Program Principal Investigator Program Title
Science Observations Scheduled
17148 Floriane Leclercq, University of Texas at Austin Preparing to find the sources of the reionization: Testing MgII as a Lyman Continuum tracer using a unique mock JWST sample
17155 Oleg Kargaltsev, George Washington University The legacy UV survey of 28 pulsars
17206 Benjamin Proudfoot, University of Central Florida Board of Trustees Investigating Planet Formation in the Cold Classical TNOs Through Non-Keplerian Analysis
17294 Amy Simon, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Hubble 2020: Outer Planet Atmospheres Legacy (OPAL) Program
17308 Cameron Lemon, Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm University An HST Gap Program for lensed Quasars
17420 Boris Gaensicke, University of Warwick A legacy survey for evolved planetary systems within 100pc
17436 Joseph Jensen, Utah Valley University An Independent High-Precision Distance Ladder for Cosmology
17512 Francisco Mueller-Sanchez, University of Memphis Probing SMBH/Galaxy Co-Evolution with Dual and Binary AGN
17530 Lee Patrick, Centro de Astrobiologia (CSIC/INTA) Inst. Nac. de Tec. Aero. Hot and cool - hot companions as probes of red supergiants
Calibration Observations Scheduled
17335 Meaghan McDonald, Space Telescope Science Institute CCD Daily Monitor (Part 3)
17349 Aidan Pidgeon, Space Telescope Science Institute WFC3 UVIS CCD Daily Monitor Part 3
17376 Daniel Welty, Space Telescope Science Institute STIS CCD Dark Monitor Part 3
17378 Daniel Stapleton, Space Telescope Science Institute STIS CCD Bias and Read Noise Monitor Part 2