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The Hubble Space Telescope

Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe

Daily Report #10281

Period Covered:
08:00 PM September 05, 2024 - 07:59 PM September 06, 2024
(DOY 250/0000z - 250/2359z)

Program Principal Investigator Program Title
Science Observations Scheduled
17070 Charles Kilpatrick, Northwestern University Snapshot Observations of Type II Supernovae
17098 Adam Riess, The Johns Hopkins University HST and Gaia, with Light and Distances, a Foundational Legacy of the Distance Ladder
17127 Yuhiko Aoyama, Peking University Testing models of accretion onto the Young Planetary System PDS 70
17310 Michael Koss, Eureka Scientific Inc. A Blue Gap Survey of Nearby Active Galaxies
17413 Or Graur, University of Portsmouth Tripling the sample of late-time Type Ia supernovae
17420 Boris Gaensicke, University of Warwick A legacy survey for evolved planetary systems within 100pc
17429 Michael Tucker, The Ohio State University Elevating the Scientific Output of JWST by using HST to Examine the Heart of Type Ia Supernova 2021aefx
17504 Patrick Kelly, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities SNAP Survey for Strongly Lensed Supernovae and Magnified Stars
17507 Wynn Jacobson-Galan, California Institute of Technology Going Up on a Thursday: Flash Spectroscopy of Type II Supernovae with HST
17517 Hsiao-Wen Chen, University of Chicago CONTACT: Circumgalactic Observations of Nuv-shifted Transitions Across Cosmic Time
Calibration Observations Scheduled
17324 Christian Johnson, Space Telescope Science Institute Cycle 31 FUV Detector Dark Monitor
17335 Meaghan McDonald, Space Telescope Science Institute CCD Daily Monitor (Part 3)
17346 Harish Khandrika, Space Telescope Science Institute WFC3 UVIS Bowtie Monitor
17349 Aidan Pidgeon, Space Telescope Science Institute WFC3 UVIS CCD Daily Monitor Part 3
17371 Frederick Dauphin, Space Telescope Science Institute WFC3 CSM Monitor with Earth Flats
17376 Daniel Welty, Space Telescope Science Institute STIS CCD Dark Monitor Part 3
17378 Daniel Stapleton, Space Telescope Science Institute STIS CCD Bias and Read Noise Monitor Part 2