• Secretary General outlines key lessons for NATO’s continued success after a decisive decade at the helm
• Video: NATO’s fighter pilots go head-to-head

20 September 2024


Secretary General at Crimea Platform: NATO’s commitment to Ukraine is stronger than ever

Secretary General outlines key lessons for NATO’s continued success after a decisive decade at the helm

Speaking at an event hosted by the German Marshall Fund on 19 September 2024, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg shared five key lessons for NATO’s continued success following a decisive decade at the helm of NATO.

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NATO’s Digital Ocean Initiative gets a boost in Portugal

NATO’s Digital Ocean Initiative gets a boost in Portugal

NATO Allies gathered for the REPMUS 24 exercise in Portugal to test the ability of autonomous systems to operate together and to increase Alliance understanding of new threats in the maritime environment. They were joined by representatives of partner countries and organisations, NATO commands, research institutions and industry.

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NATO’s Special Representative for the Southern Neighbourhood wraps up his first official trip to Egypt

NATO’s Special Representative for the Southern Neighbourhood wraps up his first official trip to Egypt

NATO’s Special Representative for the Southern Neighbourhood, Javier Colomina, travelled to the Arab Republic of Egypt on 17 and 18 September 2024 for his first visit to the region in this new capacity. He met with high-level officials, including from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to take stock of NATO-Egypt relations and exchange views on regional security issues.

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Ukraine joins NATO counter-drone exercise for first time

Ukraine joins NATO counter-drone exercise for first time

From 10 to 20 September 2024, over 450 participants from 19 NATO Allies and three partner countries gathered in the Netherlands to test the ability of commercially available counter-drone systems to operate seamlessly together. Ukraine participated for the first time, alongside members of the private sector and research community.

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A Decade of Progress: Marking 10 Years of the Substantial NATO-Georgia Package

A Decade of Progress: Marking 10 Years of the Substantial NATO-Georgia Package

Georgia and NATO marked the 10th anniversary of the Substantial NATO-Georgia Package (SNGP) at the NATO-Georgia Joint Training and Evaluation Centre (JTEC) near Tbilisi on 17 September 2024 at a ceremony attended by senior officials from NATO and Georgia.

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NATO reiterates its full support to EU efforts in Kosovo

NATO reiterates its full support to EU efforts in Kosovo

NATO’s Assistant Secretary General for Operations, Tom Goffus, joined Stefano Tomat, Civilian Operations Commander at the European Union External Action Service, in separate meetings with the chief negotiators of Belgrade and Pristina. The meetings took place in the margins of the EU-facilitated Dialogue hosted by Miroslav Lajcak, the EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue and other Western Balkans issues.

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NATO and the Republic of Moldova further boost defence education cooperation

NATO and the Republic of Moldova further boost defence education cooperation

Representatives from the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Moldova visited NATO Headquarters on 10 September 2024, where they met with a range of officials from NATO’s International Staff and experts in the domain of defence education.

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Meet Myriam Andaloro, a NATO cultural expert on the Middle East and Africa

Meet Myriam Andaloro, a NATO cultural expert on the Middle East and Africa

Myriam Andaloro is a Digital and Cultural Consultant at the NATO Strategic Direction-South Hub – the centre dedicated to increasing NATO’s understanding of and cooperation with partners across the Middle East and Africa. An Italian national of Lebanese descent, Myriam works to establish appropriate and respectful communication with NATO’s southern neighbours by reducing the risk for cultural misunderstandings and raising awareness about cultural sensitivities.

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NATO’s fighter pilots go head-to-head

NATO’s fighter pilots go head-to-head

NATO’s fighter pilots met up for a “dogfighting” competition to sharpen their skills in a series of aerial duels high above Ramstein, Germany.

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F-35A fighter aircraft make historic highway landing in Finland
F-35A fighter aircraft make historic highway landing in Finland
NATO's response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine
Request for assistance by Ukraine: emergency response