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ooTunes version 4.0.2 hits the app store

Version 4.0.2 of the ooTunes Radio app for iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad is now available!!!

The free update will show up in the "updates" tab within the blue "App Store" app on your iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad, or Get it now!

I'm pleased to announced a minor update to ooTunes Radio with support for iOS 5, iCloud and a better iPad full screen view, as well as incorporating numerous suggestions from users.

What's new?

  1. iOS 5 - Now playing information and artwork now show on the device screen when locked (double tap the home button to see more info)
  2. iCloud - All saved recordings are backed up to iCloud
  3. Improved iPad layout - larger icons, larger artwork, quicker station browse and search
  4. Bigger database - over 33,000 streams from user-requests world-wide
  5. Fast Forward and Rewind - skip directly to any point in a live stream or recording (with much more precision and speed)
  6. Play recording chronologically - By default, recordings will be played from oldest to newest, to provide more seamless listening of multi-part recordings
  7. Still Universal - iPad2, iPad, iPhone, iPhone 4S, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, and the original iPhone and iPod Touch: all generations
  8. Numerous bug fixes

While this update is relatively minor, there will be more to come! Keep sending me your feedback, suggestions, etc.

If you have any suggestions, etc. just contact me here please, or from the app's help menus.


ooTunes Nerd

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