Solar Region Summary (SRS)

June 25th 2024 PDT

:Product: Solar Region Summary :Issued: 2024 Jun 26 0030 UTC # Prepared jointly by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, # Space Weather Prediction Center and the U.S. Air Force. # Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Region Summary SRS Number 178 Issued at 0030Z on 26 Jun 2024 Report compiled from data received at SWO on 25 Jun I. Regions with Sunspots. Locations Valid at 25/2400Z Nmbr Location Lo Area Z LL NN Mag Type 3719 S14W12 064 0150 Dso 10 13 Beta 3720 S06W03 055 0130 Dai 0 ...Continue Reading

What's New at the Earth Observatory for the Week of June 25, 2024

June 25th 2024 PDT

June 25, 2024 Weekly News Latest Images of the Dayview the archive Record Rainfall Floods Midwest Rivers burst their banks, inundating homes and farmland in South Dakota, Minnesota, and Iowa. Groundwater Declines in the U.S. Southwest Record snowfall has not been enough to offset groundwater losses amid long-term drying and a heightened demand for the resource. ...Continue Reading

Solar Region Summary (SRS)

June 24th 2024 PDT

:Product: Solar Region Summary :Issued: 2024 Jun 25 0030 UTC # Prepared jointly by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, # Space Weather Prediction Center and the U.S. Air Force. # Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Region Summary SRS Number 177 Issued at 0030Z on 25 Jun 2024 Report compiled from data received at SWO on 24 Jun I. Regions with Sunspots. Locations Valid at 24/2400Z Nmbr Location Lo Area Z LL NN Mag Type 3713 S14W88 153 0360 Ekc 12 06 Beta-Gamma 3716 N09W95 160 0200 ...Continue Reading

Weekly Natural Event Updates June 24, 2024

June 24th 2024 PDT

June 24, 2024 Natural Events Latest Images From the Past 7 Daysview archive of natural events Fires Char South-Central New Mexico Wildland fires burned tens of thousands of acres near mountain communities including the village of Rudioso. (Jun 21, 2024) A Blast of Heat in the East A heat dome broke temperature records in the U.S. Midwest and Northea ...Continue Reading

Daily Natural Event Updates June 24, 2024

June 24th 2024 PDT

June 24, 2024 Natural Events Latest Images From the Past 3 Daysview archive of natural events Fires Char South-Central New Mexico Wildland fires burned tens of thousands of acres near mountain communities including the village of Rudioso. (Jun 21, 2024) NASA | 8800 Greenbelt Rd., Greenbelt, MD 20771 Unsubscribe nasa_reports@aus-city.com ...Continue Reading

Space Weather Outlook

June 23rd 2024 PDT

Official Space Weather Advisory issued by NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center Boulder, Colorado, USA SPACE WEATHER ADVISORY OUTLOOK #24-26 2024 June 23 at 7:49 p.m. MDT (2024 June 24 0149 UTC) **** SPACE WEATHER OUTLOOK **** Summary For June 17-23 R2 (Moderate) radio blackouts were observed on 20 Jun from Region 3719 and on 23 Jun due to activity from Region 3723. R1 (Minor) radio blackouts were observed on 17-20 Jun and 22-23 Jun from Regions 3712, 3711, 3719, and 3716. No other space wea ...Continue Reading

Solar Region Summary (SRS)

June 23rd 2024 PDT

:Product: Solar Region Summary :Issued: 2024 Jun 24 0030 UTC # Prepared jointly by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, # Space Weather Prediction Center and the U.S. Air Force. # Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Region Summary SRS Number 176 Issued at 0030Z on 24 Jun 2024 Report compiled from data received at SWO on 23 Jun I. Regions with Sunspots. Locations Valid at 23/2400Z Nmbr Location Lo Area Z LL NN Mag Type 3712 S25W90 168 0220 Eao 11 04 Beta-Gamma 3713 S14W78 156 0440 ...Continue Reading

[JSR] Jonathan's Space Report, No. 834

June 22nd 2024 PDT

From: mailto: Jonathan's Space Report No. 834 2024 Jun 23 Somerville, MA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- International Space Station --------------------------- Expedition 71 continues. Crew are Oleg Kononenko, Nikolai Chub, Matthew Dominick, Michael Barratt, Jeanette Epps, Aleksandr Grebyonkin, Tracy Dyson, and visiting Starliner crew Barry Wilmore and Sunita Williams. On May 24 at 1416 and 23 ...Continue Reading

Solar Region Summary (SRS)

June 22nd 2024 PDT

:Product: Solar Region Summary :Issued: 2024 Jun 23 0030 UTC # Prepared jointly by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, # Space Weather Prediction Center and the U.S. Air Force. # Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Region Summary SRS Number 175 Issued at 0030Z on 23 Jun 2024 Report compiled from data received at SWO on 22 Jun I. Regions with Sunspots. Locations Valid at 22/2400Z Nmbr Location Lo Area Z LL NN Mag Type 3712 S25W77 168 0720 Ekc 15 09 Beta-Gamma 3713 S14W65 156 0910 ...Continue Reading

Solar Region Summary (SRS)

June 21st 2024 PDT

:Product: Solar Region Summary :Issued: 2024 Jun 22 0030 UTC # Prepared jointly by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, # Space Weather Prediction Center and the U.S. Air Force. # Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Region Summary SRS Number 174 Issued at 0030Z on 22 Jun 2024 Report compiled from data received at SWO on 21 Jun I. Regions with Sunspots. Locations Valid at 21/2400Z Nmbr Location Lo Area Z LL NN Mag Type 3712 S26W65 170 0750 Ekc 15 09 Beta-Gamma 3713 S14W53 158 0950 ...Continue Reading
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