NASA Honors Veteran Gemini-Apollo Astronaut James McDivitt

September 23rd 2006 PST

Sept. 22, 2006 Doc Mirelson/Dave Steitz Headquarters, Washington 202-358-4495/1600 MEDIA ADVISORY: M06-149 NASA HONORS VETERAN GEMINI-APOLLO ASTRONAUT JAMES MCDIVITT NASA will honor former astronaut James (Jim) McDivitt for his involvement in the Gemini and Apollo space programs with the presentation of the Ambassador of Exploration Award. The ceremony is at 3:30 p.m. EDT, Friday, Oct. 6, in the Boeing Auditorium, Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Building, University of Michigan, College of Engineering, Ann Arbor, Mich ...Continue Reading

International Space Station Status Report: SS06-041

September 23rd 2006 PST

Sept. 22, 2006 Grey Hautaluoma Headquarters, Washington 202-358-0668 James Hartsfield Johnson Space Center, Houston 281-483-5111 STATUS REPORT: SS06-041 INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION STATUS REPORT: SS06-041 A handover continues aboard the International Space Station, with the 13th crew ending six months aboard and the 14th crew starting six months in orbit. Joint crew operations continue through next week, until Expedition 13 Commander Pavel Vinogradov, Flight Engineer and NASA Science Officer Jeff Williams, an ...Continue Reading

Eat a Cockroach, Cut to Front of Line, Today on LiveScience.com --- Friday, September 22, 2006

September 23rd 2006 PST

LiveScience.com Friday, September 22, 2006 Robots Get Soft, Human-Like Skin Cosmetics manufacturer Kao Corporation and a Keio University research team led by robotics professor Takashi Maeno have developed artificial skin that feels just like yours. Or even softer. States Seek Lethal Sea Lion Removal Oregon and Washington are drafting a proposal for “limited selected lethal removal'' of protected California ...Continue Reading

Starry Night Times for October 2006 is here

September 23rd 2006 PST

Starry Night® Times - October 2006 If you have trouble viewing this newsletter, click here. *Welcome again to our monthly newsletter with features on exciting celestial events, product reviews, tips & tricks, and a monthly sky calendar. We hope you enjoy it!* [*]Brig ...Continue Reading

NASA Announces New Advisory Council Members

September 22nd 2006 PST

Sept. 22, 2006 David E. Steitz/Doc Mirelson Headquarters, Washington 202-358-1730/1600 RELEASE: 06-320 NASA ANNOUNCES NEW ADVISORY COUNCIL MEMBERS NASA Administrator Michael Griffin named nine new members to the NASA Advisory Council on Friday, including Dr. Edward David, Jr., Chair of the Science Committee, and Dr. Paul Robinson, Chair of the new Space Operations Committee. "These outstanding individuals will add to an already strong group and will greatly assist Chairman Schmitt in meeting the Counci ...Continue Reading

Surprises from the Edge of the Solar System

September 22nd 2006 PST

NASA Science News for September 21, 2006 NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft has entered a new realm of space, and it's beaming back some surprises. FULL STORY at http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2006/21sep_voyager.htm?list882224 Check out our RSS feed at http://science.nasa.gov/rss.xml! You are currently subscribed to snglist as: nasa_reports@aus-city.com. This is a free service. To unsubscribe click here: http://lyris.msfc.nasa.gov/u?id=882224F&n=T&l=snglist or send a blank email to leave-snglist-882224F@lyris.msfc.nas ...Continue Reading

[nh-announce] 21 September 2006 -- Natural Hazards Updates

September 22nd 2006 PST

The following sections were updated since 20 September 2006. -- DUST AND SMOKE (1 updated events, 1 new images) -- HAZE OVER EASTERN CHINA A thick band of haze hung over eastern China in mid-September 2006. The haze likely resulted from urban and industrial pollution, agricultural fires, and weather patterns that trapped the pollutants in the region. * http://naturalhazards.nasa.gov/shownh.php3?img_id=13885 *** MODIS(Terra) image from Sep 20 2006 (Posted on Sep 20 2006 2:38PM) -- FIRE (1 updated events, 1 new images) ...Continue Reading

NASA Honors America's First Flight Director Chris Kraft

September 22nd 2006 PST

Sept. 21, 2006 Doc Mirelson/Dave Steitz Headquarters, Washington 202-358-4495/1600 MEDIA ADVISORY: M06-148 NASA HONORS AMERICA'S FIRST FLIGHT DIRECTOR CHRIS KRAFT NASA will honor Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., for his key involvement in America's space programs with the presentation of the Ambassador of Exploration Award. The ceremony is at 10:30 a.m. EDT Saturday, Sept. 30, in the Inn at Virginia Tech University, Blacksburg, Va. NASA is presenting the Ambassador of Exploration Award to the astronauts and other ke ...Continue Reading

Yuck! This is Your Mouth on Meth, Today on LiveScience.com --- Thursday, September 21, 2006

September 22nd 2006 PST

LiveScience.com Thursday, September 21, 2006 Desert Forest Waters Itself Fog that gathers on the trees and drips to the ground creates more precipitation than normal rainfall. Swarms of Small Creatures Stir the Sea Swarms of tiny krill could have a big impact on ocean life, by churning the waters and bringing nutrients up from the depths. Flirty Flies Shed Light on Human Sleep and Memory After a long day spent socializing or learning who to fli ...Continue Reading

Short-Term Ocean Cooling Suggests Global Warming 'Speed Bump'

September 21st 2006 PST

Sept. 21, 2006 Erica Hupp/Dwayne Brown Headquarters, Washington 202-358-1237/1726 RELEASE: 06-318 SHORT-TERM OCEAN COOLING SUGGESTS GLOBAL WARMING 'SPEED BUMP' The average temperature of the water near the top of the Earth's oceans has significantly cooled since 2003. New research suggests global warming trends are not always steady in their effects on ocean temperatures. Although the average temperature of the upper oceans has significantly cooled since 2003, the decline is a fraction of the total ocean warm ...Continue Reading
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