Solar Region Summary (SRS)

May 29th 2011 PDT

:Product: Solar Region Summary :Issued: 2011 May 29 0030 UTC # Prepared jointly by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, # Space Weather Prediction Center and the U.S. Air Force. # Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Region Summary SRS Number 149 Issued at 0030Z on 29 May 2011 Report compiled from data received at SWO on 28 May I. Regions with Sunspots. Locations Valid at 28/2400Z Nmbr Location Lo Area Z LL NN Mag Type 1216 S16W90 193 0060 Hsx 02 01 Alpha 1222 N16W66 169 0000 Axx 01 01 Alpha 1223 S16W12 ...Continue Reading

Geomagnetic Storm: May 28, 2011

May 29th 2011 PDT

Space Weather News for May 28, 2011 http://spaceweather.com GEOMAGNETIC STORM: A solar wind stream hit Earth's magnetic field on May 27-28, sparking a moderate geomagnetic storm and auroras in both hemispheres. At the time this alert is being composed (1500 UT on May 28), naked-eye Southern Lights are dancing in the skies over Tasmania and New Zealand. If forecasts are correct, geomagnetic activity should remain at elevated levels for the next 24 to 48 hours. Visit http://spaceweather.com for updates and images of t ...Continue Reading

Solar Region Summary (SRS)

May 28th 2011 PDT

:Product: Solar Region Summary :Issued: 2011 May 28 0030 UTC # Prepared jointly by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, # Space Weather Prediction Center and the U.S. Air Force. # Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Region Summary SRS Number 148 Issued at 0030Z on 28 May 2011 Report compiled from data received at SWO on 27 May I. Regions with Sunspots. Locations Valid at 27/2400Z Nmbr Location Lo Area Z LL NN Mag Type 1216 S16W78 194 0060 Hsx 01 01 Alpha 1223 S16W00 115 0050 Dso 06 06 Beta 1224 N21W15 ...Continue Reading

Flashes of Light in the Night Sky from NASA's NanoSail-D

May 27th 2011 PDT

Space Weather News for May 27, 2011 http://spaceweather.com SOLAR SAIL FLASHES: NASA's Nanosail-D, the first solar sail to orbit Earth, is flashing as it glides through the night sky. Observers in Europe report luminous peaks as bright as a 1st magnitude star. The irregular period of the flashes suggests that the sail might be tumbling, although no one is certain at this moment what is causing the phenomenon. Sky watchers are encouraged to check the Simple Satellite Tracker for local flyby times and watch this uniq ...Continue Reading

Solar Region Summary (SRS)

May 27th 2011 PDT

:Product: Solar Region Summary :Issued: 2011 May 27 0030 UTC # Prepared jointly by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, # Space Weather Prediction Center and the U.S. Air Force. # Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Region Summary SRS Number 147 Issued at 0030Z on 27 May 2011 Report compiled from data received at SWO on 26 May I. Regions with Sunspots. Locations Valid at 26/2400Z Nmbr Location Lo Area Z LL NN Mag Type 1216 S15W64 193 0070 Hsx 01 01 Alpha 1222 N16W37 166 0010 Axx 02 03 Alpha 1223 S15E14 ...Continue Reading

Solar Region Summary (SRS)

May 26th 2011 PDT

:Product: Solar Region Summary :Issued: 2011 May 26 0030 UTC # Prepared jointly by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, # Space Weather Prediction Center and the U.S. Air Force. # Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Region Summary SRS Number 146 Issued at 0030Z on 26 May 2011 Report compiled from data received at SWO on 25 May I. Regions with Sunspots. Locations Valid at 25/2400Z Nmbr Location Lo Area Z LL NN Mag Type 1216 S15W52 194 0060 Hsx 02 01 Alpha 1222 N15W24 166 0010 Bxo 03 02 Beta IA. H-alpha P ...Continue Reading

Solar Region Summary (SRS)

May 25th 2011 PDT

:Product: Solar Region Summary :Issued: 2011 May 25 0030 UTC # Prepared jointly by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, # Space Weather Prediction Center and the U.S. Air Force. # Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Region Summary SRS Number 145 Issued at 0030Z on 25 May 2011 Report compiled from data received at SWO on 24 May I. Regions with Sunspots. Locations Valid at 24/2400Z Nmbr Location Lo Area Z LL NN Mag Type 1216 S15W38 194 0090 Hsx 02 01 Alpha 1220 N12W94 249 0010 Bxo 01 02 Beta IA. H-alpha P ...Continue Reading

Comet Fragment Disintegrates over North America

May 25th 2011 PDT

Space Weather News for May 24, 2011 http://spaceweather.com COMET FIREBALL: Bright fireballs appear somewhere on Earth every day. Most are caused by rocky asteroids. On Friday, May 20th, however, a less common object struck. Sky watchers in the southeastern USA watched a big but fragile piece of comet break apart in Earth's atmosphere. The resulting fireball was the brightest meteor observed in nearly 3 years by NASA's all-sky network of meteor cameras. Videos and more information are featured on today's edition o ...Continue Reading

Space Weather Outlook

May 25th 2011 PDT

Official Space Weather Advisory issued by NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center Boulder, Colorado, USA SPACE WEATHER ADVISORY OUTLOOK #11- 24 2011 May 24 at 8:52 a.m. MDT (2011 May 24 1452 UTC) **** SPACE WEATHER OUTLOOK **** Summary For May 16-22 No space weather storms were observed. Outlook For May 25-31 No space weather storms are expected. Data used to provide space weather services are contributed by NOAA, USAF, NASA, NSF, USGS, the International Space Environment Services and other observator ...Continue Reading

Solar Region Summary (SRS)

May 24th 2011 PDT

:Product: Solar Region Summary :Issued: 2011 May 24 0030 UTC # Prepared jointly by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, # Space Weather Prediction Center and the U.S. Air Force. # Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Region Summary SRS Number 144 Issued at 0030Z on 24 May 2011 Report compiled from data received at SWO on 23 May I. Regions with Sunspots. Locations Valid at 23/2400Z Nmbr Location Lo Area Z LL NN Mag Type 1216 S15W25 194 0070 Hsx 02 01 Alpha 1220 N13W79 248 0050 Bxo 03 04 Beta 1221 S18W69 ...Continue Reading
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