Posted By: RATLSNAKE AlterGlobe repeating shows & some not aired at all - Tue 19 Dec 2006 09:16:AM
Hey all with UBI.

Have other members here who watch the Greek channels noticed that recently Alter Globe is repeating most of their content more than once a day, and rarely meets the program guide.
For example little to no News is shown, and the top rating cooking show "Vefa" is no longer aired at all.

I've called UBI and have been told they were to investigate with Alter, but nothing has been received as of yet and they keep saying they do not not why this has happened.
I also emailed Alter, but like Alpha it seems they do not reply to their emails.

Does anyone here have any information about this, or heard any reason as to why Alter's quality has dropped so badly all of a sudden?

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