Hi I've just subscribed to select TV and I was very disappointed to find that my Irdeto Cams do not work with the Select TV smart card.

I have tried 2 different Irdeto Cams and still no pictures. The dish is correctly aligned to PAS8 because I can see the FTA Select TV promo channel. These are the two cams I have tried so far:

Irdeto common Interface Ver: 01.06 SoftCell: Ver 2.09 CIs-Demux (SW CA). Compiled Oct 12 2000

Irdeto common Interface Ver: 0.07B SoftCell: Ver 2.06B CI- NEC 1-chip.Compiled Jul 4 2001.

Could anyone suggest anyways around this problem?

I've never had anything to do with CAMs, but try
I've heard some cams wont activate the card for some strange reason

But boxes with embedded cams seem to work no problems

If you have access to a box with an embedded cam ( built in cam ) or know of someone who can lend u one activate the card thru that box then put it in your box and then it should work
Ive done that....I activated the card on a humax 5410z and works fine, but when I use the cam on the ID Digital sensor no pictures.
The 2.06B needs upgrading to be used for Irdeto2 - the 2.09 probably can't be updated - this site offers an update service;osCsid=f03a406793ff28f1d1b8de56c8d2cac2

I have used the service and received the upgraded cams back within the week - although it is not cheap - it costs $80 for each CAM
aparently all you need is a laptop with a cam reader, a loader program and a file to update the cam....I've got a laptop, so and still searching for the other 2 items....
Further to my earlier post - the 2.09 can be updated but it can only be done once - and is NOT ALWAYS successful - if it does not work the CAM may not work again for Irdeto 1 (e.g. Aurora)

All the files you require can be obtained from

Make sure you click on the End-User License Agreement ("Agreement") link and accept it first, or you can NOT get to the download pages.

Note: the zip file from the above site for the following CAMS

Irdeto CI-CAM v0.03 to v0.07 for part numbers 900264, 900440, 901453, 901569, 901633

requires this password to unzip the file: la_ciotat13

The zip file for the 2.09 CAM is NOT password protected

Both zip files contain detailed instructions on how to do the upgrades
thanks Adrid so in the end I'll have to take a risk with the 2.09 CAM, even if it gets damaged I wont be able to use it with aurora since the card is already dead.
Try to update the Cam sure ,but also the firmware update for your reciever may also be the fix?I have several 2.09 cams in use here an several 2.06 cams purchased from various dates back to early 2003,vaious partno.s.Ive had to update None! they all have worked after various Selectv viewing issues eg activation,non viewing. fimware versions ,update of the recievers have cured all the example strong4800II ,X2.a maxplus,a Topfield 3000ci.The Id SensorCI Im not sure? check their website ?end of day the risk of ruin your cam or reciever from a faulty update is to be considered.either a new cam or my experience I know of more ruin unworking Cams than the $$ involved Your Choice? to do the upgrades? to consider a new embeded compliant reciever for selectv may be the way to go?for the$$. Cheers!
I have Irdeto Cam Version 2.06.2 (Softcell V2.26D) and it doesn't work with Select TV either. It used to work with HorizonTV OK. Just wondering if you have it working yet ?
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