Moderate tremor of magnitude 4.2 reported 24 km northeast of Sciacca, Italy
4.2 quake 21 Aug 6:52 am (GMT +2)

A magnitude 4.2 earthquake near Sciacca, Agrigente, Sicily, Italy, was reported 31 minutes ago by Italy's National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), considered the main national agency that monitors seismic activity in Italy. The earthquake occurred at a very shallow depth of 3.6 km beneath the epicenter early morning on Sunday, August 21st, 2022, at 6:52 am local time. Magnitude and other quake parameters can still change in the coming hours as the agency continues to process seismic data.
A second report was later issued by the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), which listed it as a magnitude 4.1 earthquake. Other agencies reporting the same quake include the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) at magnitude 4.2, and the citizen-seismograph network of RaspberryShake at magnitude 4.1.
Based on the preliminary seismic data, the quake should have been widely felt by almost everyone in the area of the epicenter. It might have caused light to moderate damage.
Moderate shaking probably occurred in Giuliana (pop. 1,700) located 1 km from the epicenter.
Weak shaking might have been felt in Ribera (pop. 17,700) located 20 km from the epicenter, Sciacca (pop. 36,900) 24 km away, Castelvetrano (pop. 28,100) 40 km away, Alcamo (pop. 44,400) 42 km away, and Partinico (pop. 28,700) 43 km away.
Other towns or cities near the epicenter where the quake might have been felt as very weak shaking include Monreale (pop. 22,000) located 45 km from the epicenter, Bagheria (pop. 53,000) 50 km away, and Palerm (pop. 648,300) 51 km away.

Earthquake data:
Date & time: Aug 21, 2022 6:52 am (GMT +2) local time (21 Aug 2022 04:52 GMT)
Magnitude: 4.2
Depth: 3.6 km
Epicenterlatitude / longitude: 37.68°N / 13.25°E (Provincia de Palermo, Sicily, Italy)
Primary data source: INGV
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