Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales is like the Netflix Original spin-off of The Witcher 3. It’s slower, focused on characters you don’t really care about, probably about five hours too long, but at the end you’re still like “Yeah, okay, that wasn’t bad. Surprisingly good, even.”

Pour yourself a cup of something and settle in, because there’s 20 or more hours of card battling ahead of you.

Deal me in

Do you remember Gwent, the collectible card game CD Projekt built into The Witcher 3? Because that’s where the long and winding road that brought us Thronebreaker starts out. Gwent in The Witcher 3 was pretty bare-bones, pretty exploitable and unbalanced, but people played it for hours and hours in digital taverns. As far as open-world side activities go, it was one of the best.

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Source: Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales review: Come for the Gwent, stay for the surprisingly good story
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