Posted By: paul Urgent Virus Warning - Sat 28 Apr 2001 07:11:AM
This warning was issued by the Compaq Computer Corporation (Apologies to everyone for the length of the post)<P>I quote 'Virus with no cure...if you receive an Email that reads "upgrade Internet" - do not open it as it contains an executable file named "perrin.exe" - it will erase all your data in your hard drive and it will stay in your memory. Every time you upload data, that data will be automatically erased and you will not be able to use your computer again...<P>This information was published yesterday in the CNN web site...This is a very dangerous virus...There is no known anti-virus program for this particular virus...also check the list below... The titles are:<P>buddylst.exe<BR>calcul8r.exe<BR>deathpr.exe<BR>einstein.exe<BR>happ.exe<BR>girls.exe<BR>happy99.exe<BR>Japanese.exe<BR>Keypress.exe<BR>Kitty.exe<BR>monday.exe<BR>teletub.exe<BR>The Phatom Menace<BR>prettypark.exe<BR>UP-GRADE INTERNET<BR>perrin.exe<BR>I love you<BR>Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs<BR>CELCOM Screen Saver or CELSAVER.EX<BR>Win a Holiday (Email)<BR>JOIN THE CREW 0 PENPALS Subject: Virus Announced by Microsoft<P><BR>...There is a virus out flow being sent to people via Email... it will destroy your memory, sound card and speakers, your drive and it will your mouse or pointing device as well as your keyboard... it will come via an Email called "(OPEN.VERY COOL!:)"...<P>If you receive an Email titled "Win a Holiday" and you open it it will erase everything on your hard drive...this information was announced yesterday morning from Microsoft.<P>Neil Ferrick<BR>Compaq Computer Corporation...' end quote.
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