Posted By: dawn Image of Jesus appears in a hospital prayer garden window - Tue 15 Apr 2008 06:40:PM
I thought this was an interesting story. Because of all the cell phones there's a lot of documentation that it was there.

Be sure to click on the picture in the full article to see several pictures of the image.

I think if this image brought comfort and/or an affirmation to the witnesses then as far as I'm concerned it's a spiritual meaningful occurrence.

What do you think about it?

Image In Hospital Brings Some To Tears, Prompts E-Mails
Hospital Calls It An Unexplained Image

ORLANDO, Fla. -- An unexplained image in a hospital prayer garden window moved some people to tears and drew groups of people to a hallway before vanishing, according to witnesses.

Image At Hospital A crowd inside the Florida Hospital Medical Complex in Orlando snapped photos of the image apparently showing the profile of Jesus Christ crying.

Read the full article with pictures:
Image In Hospital Brings Some To Tears

Thanks for this link! You are dubbed by me as angel [Linked Image] of best links! winner Oh, and thanks for mentioning to click on pic (I wouldn't have). wink

[Linked Image]

The best of several shots of Jesus taken from various angles.

[Linked Image]
Another shot, but interesting the painting in the background. eyebrow

I of course buuhleeeve! cheerful

I heartbeat U Jesus!
Wow! What a smile you brought to my heart! You called me an angel. Aw, shucks, I'm flattered and so undeserving of that title! blush
You have such a delightful angelic heart. I think you're the angel! angel

I'm so thankful that you liked this story. I think it's wonderful how even tho the image came and went so suddenly, it's still touching many people across the world because of the different folks who took pictures of it... grouphug

I didn't notice the painting in the background. It seems to glow in concert to Jesus' image. Thank you for pointing it out. It's beautiful and holds much comfort, love and inspiration. Like icing on a cake. hug

Like you, I heartbeat Jesus too!


As for the painting in the background of the photos...I found it interesting the subject matter. Not sure if it is Jesus in the painting, though I think it might be, but it is at least a man hugging a child and reminds me of Jesus.
The news report:
Jesus Image gives hope.

It's quite sad and inspiring.

There's a (quick) better view of the painting in the video.

You people need to read the bible (revelation) that is not CHRIST,he will show himself on the last day,no one and I mean no one knows what he looks like.(in this day and time)It does say in the bible that he was a Jew with sun dark skin and almost white skin period. If you don't believe me just read the bible. He does not look like the pictures you can purchase at Kmart.PLEASE READ THE COMMANDMENTS and no I am not a preacher
Wow, thanks for that link to the video Dawn. angel

And thanks for your input ymmas, and welcome to the forum. shake I found it interesting. I don't claim to know precisely what Christ looks like or does not look like. But millions, perhaps billions of people convey a similar image of him for reference. And it doesn't really matter to me vaguely or exactly what Christ looks like, as it is the concept of unconditional love and his total acceptance of divine will that is my image of Christ. The physical appearance is just a shell of the divine light.

Christ is different things to different people as is God, as is everything! We all have our own perspective and are entitled to it. Just like "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and "One man's trash is another man's treasure". veryhappy

So to each his own, with my deepest respect! clink
You're welcome Alisa! flower
I thought you might enjoy seeing it.

I agree with Alisa's reply to you.yeah
Welcome to the forum.
I just have to add this piece that I came across today, accidentally (synchronistically is more like it winking ), while searching for something else altogether.

Aspects of the Christ, 1912, by Theosophist Annie Besant (1847 - 1933), I quote in parts:

But speaking to the Hindu I use the Hindu name, to the Buddhist, the Buddhist name; for I would not by a name blind the eyes, and as it were lock with a name the door of the heart which should open to the coming of the Lord. The names matter not; He answers to them all. And there is only One who bears all these names, the Supreme Teacher of the world. He is One. And it is to Him we look, no matter by what name we call Him. Our prayers reach Him, no matter how we address the outside envelope of the prayer. That is the Ideal that I would pray you to keep.

But you will lose it, if you quarrel about it. You cannot see it, if you dispute over it. It is too sacred for dispute; it is the vision of the intuition, not the result of reasoning. And reason must be silent when intuition speaks, for intuition sees where reason only argues.

Let us study all views about the Christ. Something will be learned from all of them, for He is too mighty for one man's mouth to express Him, for one pen to write the fullness of His manifold perfection.

"On whatsoever road a man approaches Me, on that road do I welcome him, for all roads are Mine."

I am frequently running into Theosophical things as I search for spirit, independent though I am and of no denomination. I find truth and wonder in all faiths. And as I have opened my mind to spirit, I recognized the ideal of Christ and embraced it as something to strive for.

Thanks Mate
No worries...[Linked Image]
How interesting.

Lots of food for thought here!

In essence, what we do not know will manifest as what we do know.

This is not only for assurance, but so as not to scare the living daylights out of us.

Take for instance the fact that in truth we genuinely do not know what Jesus may have looked like... What if (hypothetically) "he" was a grossly disfigured female with 4 arms and 6 legs. Would we want that to manifest before us? No! If we saw that, we would run screaming for the hills and likely end up on strong meds in an asylum.

So, for those who are blessed with a manifestation, they see what we commonly know to be the effigy of Jesus... Easily recognisable and non frightening (although perhaps surprising or wondrous).

That incident in the hospital was not the Rapture or Armageddon (call it what you will). Nor are the photos of a flesh and blood, tangible person. So of course, it is not the coming of Jesus.

(BTW, can you really buy pics of Jesus at KMart?)

I think that somebody at that hospital went to the flower garden in their dire hour of need for solace and to pray for the healing of their loved one. I think it's possible that their sorrow was so deep and their belief in their religion so genuine that their god appeared to them.

Regardless of whether it was genuinely Jesus, or just a play of light - if it gave people a morale boost (and in hospitals that is where it's needed most) then that is all that matters.

Wow, great post, Rainbow! winner It echoed many thoughts of mine and added new ones.

In essence, what we do not know will manifest as what we do know.

This is not only for assurance, but so as not to scare the living daylights out of us.

Take for instance the fact that in truth we genuinely do not know what Jesus may have looked like... What if (hypothetically) "he" was a grossly disfigured female with 4 arms and 6 legs. Would we want that to manifest before us? No! If we saw that, we would run screaming for the hills and likely end up on strong meds in an asylum.

I loved this! yes

Regardless of whether it was genuinely Jesus, or just a play of light - if it gave people a morale boost (and in hospitals that is where it's needed most) then that is all that matters.

Yes cheerful

I also do love some of the images of Jesus whether they be "real" or ... dunno This one is favourite.

Attached picture jesus.jpg
Attached picture jesus.jpg
I am not a particularly religious person. I think that if I was to choose a religion, I would probably be Wiccan... But even then, I am not particularly interested in Wicca.

But, even though I am following my own route in life, I most certainly do not begrudge anybody their own religion and beliefs and if their beliefs are working for them and keeping them traveling down a "righteous" path, then good for them.

I believe that Jesus did exist, but I also believe that he did not exist as the Bible claims. This is of course my personal opinion.

I have a theory that, given that human nature (the same personality traits, attitudes etc) can be seen in so many people from so many different cultures over so many generations - it is my theory that Jesus did live, but was more in line with being an extremely awesome person who happened to be put on a pedestal and have a book written about him - than an actual god... In essence, he turned into a god simply because the book was one heck of a best seller. LOL

In a way I back my theory also with the fact that the Bible has been re-written so many times over the centuries that each time it's rewritten it's slightly altered.

But at the end of the day, regardless of which religion a person belongs to (conventional religion I am referring to here) - everybody is worshiping the same god regardless of name.

Nicely put, Rainbow! clink
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