13 MAY 22
ALCGPSC 068/22 SUBJ: RECRUITING INITIATIVE - COAST GUARD RECRUITING INCIDENT MANAGEMENT TEAM A. COMDT COGARD WASHINGTON DC 101617Z MAY 22/ALCOAST 175/22, Maximum Efforts to Support Recruiting B. COMDT COGARD WASHINGTON DC 111218Z MAY 22/ALCOAST 176/22, Servicewide Initiatives to Maximize Military Recruiting Efforts 1. Per REFs (A) and (B), the Commandant directed maximum recruiting efforts, and the Deputy Commandant for Mission Support (DCMS-DPR) outlined three military recruiting initiatives. 2. This message details the first recruiting initiative by announcing that CG Personnel Service Center stood up the CG Recruiting Incident Management Team (IMT) to lead military recruiting surge efforts between now and the end of the fiscal year. Subsequent recruiting initiative messages will provide specific guidance regarding both the continuation and enhancement of the Everyone is a Recruiter program, and the unit-level CG Recruiting Liaison Program. 3. The CG Recruiting IMT will be physically located at Coast Guard Headquarters (CGHQ) and support the Coast Guard Recruiting Command (CG RC). It will coordinate military recruiting surge operations across CG Recruiting Offices and the rest of the Service. 4. The CG Recruiting IMT will aggressively pursue multiple lines of effort (LOEs) that will require support across all CG units and CGHQ directorates. The CG Recruiting IMT will: a. Contact selected commands with prior-trained recruiters requesting that these members mobilize in a recruiting capacity via local community outreach and potential travel to targeted recruiting events, additional information SEPCOR. b. Develop metrics to track progress on LOEs for Senior Leaders. c. As soon as practical, onboard additional CG Recruiting IMT members with requisite expertise through the remainder of FY22. 5. Communication regarding new and ongoing recruiting efforts to all CG units and members is critical to meeting our collective recruiting mission. The CG Recruiting IMT will release updates via CG message traffic, MyCG articles, and www.GoCoastGuard.com. 6. POCs: a. CDR Andrea Smith, CG RC XO, (202) 795-6874, Email: Andrea.JP.Smith@uscg.mil. b. CG Recruiting IMT phone line, (202) 372-8043. 7. RDML D. C. Barata, CG Recruiting Incident Commander, and CAPT R. L. Tipton, Commanding Officer, CG RC send. 8. Internet release is authorized.
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