17 MAY 22
ALCGPSC 069/22 SUBJ: 2022 RESERVE HIGH YEAR TENURE (R-HYT) PROFESSIONAL GROWTH POINT (PGP) WAIVER PANEL RESULTS A. ALCCGRSV 064/21 B. Reserve Policy Manual, COMDTINST M1001.28C 1. In accordance with Refs A and B, the 2022 R-HYT Waiver Panel convened on 25 April 2022 at CG Personnel Service Center to consider PGP waivers for thirty one senior enlisted members. Per REF B, members who have greater than 18 but less than 20 years total qualifying service (TQS) towards a non-regular retirement were retained in an active status beyond their PGP in order to allow sufficient time to earn a retirement. 2. Commander, CG Personnel Service Center (CG PSC) approved the final report for the 2022 R-HYT Panel. The following Senior Chiefs and Chiefs, listed in alphabetical order, are approved for a one-year waiver to their PGP: No. RATE NAME UNIT 1. DCC Allen, Joe H. OL-DOL-44-PORTSMOUTH 2. YNC Argueta, Walberto T. SEC LA/LB ADMIN/PERS DIV 3. MECS Colon, Kevin A. SEC N NEW ENG ENFORCEMENT DIV 4. MEC Curley Jr., Joseph M. SEC DEL BAY ENFORCEMENT DIV 5. YNCS Daoust, Mindy B. BASE CAPE COD P&A DIV 6. MEC Garcia, Jerry SEC ST PETE ENFORCEMENT DIV 7. MSTC Giangrosso, Joseph P. MSD NASHVILLE 8. IVC Hanrahan Jr., John C. OL-CGIS N ENG REG-NEW YORK NY 9. MEC Henckler, Michael K. SEC NEW YORK ENFORCEMENT DIV 10. BMC Holobinko, Jason J. CG STA SANDY HOOK 11. MKC Karlik, Shane E. CG STA INDIAN RIVER INLET 12. MKCS Keating, Daniel L. SFO FT MACON ENG/SUP DIV 13. BMC Kindya, Andrew L. OL-(CG-832)-GLASSBORO NJ 14. BMC Macdonald, David L. CG STA KINGS POINT 15. IVC Odom, David J. CGIS SOUTHEAST REGION 16. MSTC Ritchie, Lawrence G. SEC OHIO VAL INCIDENT MGT DIV 17. MEC Roberts, Michael A. SEC MOBILE CP/RDNS STF 18. MEC Schoch, Patrick P. SEC SAN FRAN ENFORCEMENT DIV 19. MKC Schwister, Anthony J. SEC LAKE MICH ENG/SUPPORT DIV 20. MKC Sherwood, Randy CG STA KENOSHA 21. MECS Stoffle, William K. SEC NOLA ENFORCEMENT DIV 22. BMC Tredo, Michael A. CG STA SAN DIEGO 23. MKC Ward, John F. SFO ATLANTIC CITY 24. MKC Wiggins Jr., Donald O. SFO FT MACON ENG/SUP DIV 25. MEC Willey, Edward R. SEC N NEW ENG ENFORCEMENT DIV 26. MKC Zsitvay, Steven J. PSU 313 MAINTENANCE DIV 3. The following Chief is approved for a two-year waiver to their PGP: No. RATE NAME UNIT 1. MKC Steele, Andrew R. PSU 311 MAINTENANCE DIV 4. 2022 R-HYT approved waiver statistics by gender: a. Male (26/30 - 87%) b. Female (1/1 - 100%) 5. 2022 R-HYT approved waiver statistics by race category: a. White: (24/28 - 86%) b. Black or African American: (0/0 - 0%) c. Asian: (0/0 - 0%) d. Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: (0/0 - 0%) e. Native American/Alaskan Native: (0/0 - 0%) f. Multiple Race: (1/1 - 100%) g. Declined to respond: (2/2 - 100%) 6. 2022 R-HYT approved waiver statistics by ethnicity category: a. Hispanic or Latino: (3/3 - 100%) b. Non-Hispanic: (22/26 - 85%) c. Declined to respond: (2/2 - 100%) 7. All members whose waivers were disapproved have been notified of the results via email notification memo from CG PSC-RPM-1 through their chain of command. 8. Waiver requests were adjudicated based on Service needs as well as performance and conduct criteria. 2022 R-HYT FAQs and reference material are available on the CG PSC-RPM-1 website: http://www.dcms.uscg.mil/Our-Organization/ Assistant-Commandant-for-Human-Resources-CG-1/Personnel-Service-Center-PSC/ Reserve-Personnel-Management-PSC-RPM/RPM-1/R-HYT/. 9. Members who received an approved waiver should be aware that their waiver may be cancelled at any time by CG PSC-RPM based on their performance and conduct. Unit commanders should notify CG PSC-RPM-1 immediately if they recommend that a waiver be rescinded. 10. The R-HYT Waiver Panel membership is listed below: Name Unit CDR Ernest N. Brown CG-DCO LCDR Brian J. Ahearn CG 126 LCDR Cecilia R. Williams CG PSC-RPM-2 BMCM Josip P. Pehar SEC SAN FRAN CMD CADRE YNCM Abigail R. Scrocco SEC NORTH CAROLINA CMD CADRE 11. Released: RDML D. C. Barata, Commander, Personnel Service Center. The Service Center for our most important resource - Our People. 12. Internet release authorized.
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