R 171847Z MAY 22 MID200001718413U FM COMDT COGARD WASHINGTON DC TO ALCOAST BT UNCLAS ALCOAST 189/22 SSIC 4000 SUBJ: ANNUAL PROCUREMENT REQUEST (PR) PACKAGE CUT-OFF DATES UPDATED FOR MICRO-PURCHASES AND MILSTRIPS A. COMDT COGARD WASHINGTON DC 281401Z MAR 22/ALCOAST 107/22 B. ANNUAL PROCUREMENT REQUEST (PR) PACKAGE CUT-OFF DATES 1. This ALCOAST notifies all Coast Guard personnel of changes to the procurement request (PR) package submission cut-off dates for FY-22 previously announced in REF (A). Specifically, in addition to moving all other PR package cut-off dates in Enclosure (1) of REF (B) back by one month (30 days to shorten deadlines) as previously announced, the following applies: a. PR packages for micro-purchases for FY-22 are due by 20 SEP 2022, and b. PR packages for MILSTRIPS for FY-22 are due by 25 SEP 2022. 2. REF (A) can be found at: (Copy and Paste URL Below into Browser)
https://cg.portal.uscg.mil/library/generalmessages/General%20 Messages/GENMSG2022/ALCOAST/107-22_ALCOAST.txt
3. REF (B) establishes procurement request package cut-off dates for normal fiscal years to encourage advance planning, predictability, efficiency, and budget execution. The challenges of the transition to the Financial Systems Modernization Solution (FSMS) have contributed to an abnormal year.
4. REF (B) can be found at: (Copy and Paste URL Below into Browser)
https://cg.portal.uscg.mil/units/cg9/1/CG913/Document%20Library/ Procurement%20Request%20(PR)%20Package%20Cut-Off%20Dates%20Memo.pdf
5. We recognize the operational realities of our missions, and after considering suggestions from operators, we are rescinding the abbreviated PR package cut-off dates for micro-purchases and MILSTRIPS and setting them as stated in the paragraph 1 of this message. 6. This ALCOAST is cancelled on 01 OCT 22. 7. POC: Mr. Edward S. Frank, COMDT (CG-913) at Edward.S.Frank@uscg.mil. 8. Mr. Keith J. O'Neill, Head of the Contracting Activity (HCA) (CG-91), sends. 9. Internet release is authorized.
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