Soldier, Marine Killed in Iraq; Previous Casualties Identified

June 29th 2006 PDT

Soldier, Marine Killed in Iraq; Previous Casualties IdentifiedAmerican Forces Press Service WASHINGTON, June 29, 2006 – A U.S. soldier and a Marine were killed June 27 while supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom, U.S. military officials reported, and the Defense Department has identified two servicemembers killed in action earlier. The Multinational Division Baghdad soldier was killed when a roadside bomb north of Ba ...Continue Reading

Army Holds Hurricane Response Exercise

June 29th 2006 PDT

Army Holds Hurricane Response Exercise By Steven Donald SmithAmerican Forces Press Service FORT BELVOIR, Va., June 29, 2006 – Incorporating the lessons learned from last year's devastating hurricane season, the Army held a hurricane response exercise here yesterday. /Army Col. Kenneth Madden goes over instructions during a h ...Continue Reading

Bush Confers With, Praises Troops Back from Iraq, Afghanistan

June 29th 2006 PDT

Bush Confers With, Praises Troops Back from Iraq, Afghanistan By Donna MilesAmerican Forces Press Service WASHINGTON, June 29, 2006 – President Bush conferred yesterday with troops recently returned from Iraq and Afghanistan, telling them the nation appreciates their service as they and their comrades protect the freedoms all Americans enjoy. ...Continue Reading

Counselor Cites 'Three C's of Career Success' for Spouses

June 29th 2006 PDT

Counselor Cites 'Three C's of Career Success' for Spouses By Rudi WilliamsAmerican Forces Press Service WASHINGTON, June 29, 2006 – With frequent moves preventing them from moving up the career ladder in a single workplace, military spouses face unique career challenges, a military spouse career counselor told more than 150 spouses attending a recent Military Spouse Career ...Continue Reading

America Supports You: Operation First Response Gets Boost

June 29th 2006 PDT

America Supports You: Operation First Response Gets Boost By Samantha L. QuigleyAmerican Forces Press Service WASHINGTON, June 28, 2006 – Operation First Response, an organization dedicated to supporting the nation's wounded servicemembers and their families, got a little support of its own recently. The nonprofit group found itself on the receiving end of a $50,000 gra ...Continue Reading

DoD Identifies Army Casualty

June 29th 2006 PDT

DefenseLINK News: DoD News Release U.S. Department of Defense Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs) News Release On the Web: http://defenselink.mil/releases/2006/nr20060629-13356.html Media Contact: Army Public Affairs - (703) 692-2000 Public contact: http://www.dod.mil/faq/comment.html or +1 (703) 428-0711 IMMEDIATE RELEASE ...Continue Reading

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June 29th 2006 PDT

You are now subscribed to the DEFENSE-PRESS-SERVICE-HTML-L list Wed, 28 Jun 2006 20:13:12 Welcome to the DEFENSE-PRESS-SERVICE-HTML-L (DEFENSE PRESS SERVICE HTML LIST) mailing list! You have been added to this email distribution list because you voluntarily subscribed through the American Forces Press Service web site <http://www.dtic.mil/afps/>, through DefenseLINK (http://www.defenselink.mil/news/subscribe.html> or through email. You are now subscribed to the DEFENSE-PRESS-SERVICE-HTML-L list PURPOSE ---- ...Continue Reading

You are now subscribed to the DODNEWS_HTML-L

June 29th 2006 PDT

list Wed, 28 Jun 2006 20:11:23 Welcome to the DODNEWS_HTML-L (DOD NEWS HTML LIST) mailing list! You have been added to this email distribution list because you voluntarily subscribed through the DefenseLINK web site (http://www.defenselink.mil/) or through email. PURPOSE ---------------------------------------- This is an email distribution list to provide defense information to the public, Congress, the news media and our military members. ADMINISTRATION ---------------------------------------- Please save this me ...Continue Reading

You are now subscribed to the DODTODAY_HTML-L list

June 29th 2006 PDT

Wed, 28 Jun 2006 20:12:25 Your subscription to the DODTODAY_HTML-L list (DOD TODAY LIST - HTML version) has been accepted. This is the e-mail distribution list associated with Today in the Department of Defense. Today in DoD is the Department's main public events calendar and what's new listing. The home page for Today in DoD on the Web is http://www.defenselink.mil/today/ You may leave this distribution list at any time by unsubscribing through the Web page at http://www.defenselink.mil/news/e-mail.html Inf ...Continue Reading

You are now subscribed to the DODCONTRACTS_HTML-L

June 29th 2006 PDT

list Wed, 28 Jun 2006 20:11:05 Welcome to the DODCONTRACTS_HTML-L (DOD CONTRACTS LIST) mailing list! You have been added to this email distribution list because you voluntarily subscribed through the DefenseLINK web site http://www.defenselink.mil/ or through email. DODCONTRACTS-L distributes contract announcements from the Department of Defense. Contracts valued at $5 million or more are released each business day at or shortly after 5 p.m. Eastern Time. Contract announcements are also on the Web at http://www.de ...Continue Reading
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