Droids on the ISS

June 1st 2006 PST

NASA Science News for June 1, 2006 A little droid is roaming the corridors of the International Space Station, and more are on the way. FULL STORY at http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2006/01jun_spheres.htm?list882224 You are currently subscribed to snglist as: nasa_reports@aus-city.com. This is a free service. To unsubscribe click here: http://lyris.msfc.nasa.gov/u?id=882224F&n=T&l=snglist or send a blank email to leave-snglist-882224F@lyris.msfc.nasa.gov ...Continue Reading

Special Gifts for Dads & Grads at LiveScience Store!

May 30th 2006 PST

05_30_06_dg_lss ...Continue Reading

06/06/06: Another Date with Para-Science, Today on LiveScience.com --- Thursday, May 25, 2006

May 25th 2006 PST

LiveScience.com Thursday, May 25, 2006 Deserts Might Grow as Tropics Expand The jet streams are on the move, and scientists say it could change rainfall long-term patterns around the globe. U.S. Leadership in Science May Depend on 8th-Graders Children who want to be scientists more likely to get science degrees, shows a new study that suggests they should be encouraged to think along these lines. National Science Foundation Opens New Office Â&Aci ...Continue Reading
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