Posted By: Boggie iTVN on Optus B3 (polish channel) - Mon 01 Aug 2005 01:06:AM
Puma, the distributor of TV Polonia, is adding second channel. From the mid August we will have TV Polonia, iTVN and Polish Radio.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Boggie
Posted By: LAZER Re: iTVN on Optus B3 (polish channel) - Mon 01 Aug 2005 01:20:AM
is iTVN any good whats ppl's comments on it ?
Posted By: LAZER Re: iTVN on Optus B3 (polish channel) - Mon 01 Aug 2005 02:27:AM
can someone translate this talks about UBI?? its from the page when u click the link shows a letter from the director of puma something about UBI's 3 polish channels coming soon ??? cant read a word of it??<br /><br /><br /><br />" Drodzy Panstwo,<br /><br />Od pewnego czasu otrzymujemy wiele telefonow od bylych i aktualnych abonentow TV Polonia w sprawie listu UBI zawierajacego informacje o trzech kanalach telewizji polskiej, ktore rzekomo maja byc osiagalne w Australii. We wszystkich telefonach i korespondencji elektronicznej pytacie Panstwo o nasze stanowisko w tej sprawie. Poniewaz list nie byl podpisany przez zadna osobe, wiele osob pyta rowniez, czy mamy cokolwiek wspolnego z firma UBI. <br /><br />Wyjasniam zatem, ze:<br /><br />1. Puma Media jest w Australii jedynym oficjalnym dystrybutorem TV Polonia i Programu I Polskiego Radia<br />1. a od polowy sierpnia rowniez kanalu iTVN<br /><br />2. Firma Puma Media nie ma nic wspolnego z firma UBI<br /><br />3. Dyrektorem UBI jest Maria Regina Boulos, ta sama osoba, ktora byla dyrektorem firmy Tarbs az do jej plajty<br /><br />4. Z oficjalnych danych wynika, ze Maria Regina Boulos zarejestrowala firme UBI juz kilkanascie dni po upadku firmy<br />1. Tarbs<br /><br />5. Nie potrafie odpowiedziec na wiele Panstwa pytan,<br /><br />A ) dlaczego po uplywie ponad roku od czasu upadku firmy Tarbs, jej byly dyrektor - Regina Boulos przypomniala sobie o istnieniu polskiej spolecznosci w Australii i zamiast przeprosin sklada nowa oferte ...<br /><br />B ) dlaczego Maria Regina Boulos - byly dyrektor firmy Tarbs a aktualny dyrektor UBI - bedac w posiadaniu adresow swoich bylych klientow, dotychczas nie zadala sobie trudu i nie przeprosila nas, swoich bylych klientow, za wszystko co nas spotkalo w wyniku bankructwa zarzadzanej przez nia firmy Tarbs<br /><br />C) dlaczego Maria Regina Bulos - byly dyrektor firmy Tarbs a aktualny dyrektor UBI - postanowila zablokowac elektronicznie dekodery, ktorych jako byli abonenci TV Polonia bylismy w wiekszosci prawnymi wlascicielami. Z powodu tej blokady, byli abonenci TV Polonia zmuszeni byli nabyc nowe dekodery do odbioru TV Polonia. <br /><br />Drodzy Panstwo, zyjemy w wolnym i demokratycznym kraju, w ktorym kazdy ma prawo prowadzic UCZCIWY BIZNES. Z oczywistych powodow nie moge i nie chce dokladniej komentowac postawy firmy UBI i Marii Reginy Boulos - bylej dyrektor Tarbs i aktualnej dyrektor UBI. Wierze w inteligencje naszych aktualnych i potencjalnych klientow i jestem przekonany, ze kazdy z Panstwa wyrobi sobie w tej sprawie wlasna opinie. Przypomne jedynie, ze prawie od roku na swojej stronie internetowej firma UBI zapowiada, ze juz wkrotce zaoferuje dwa polskie kanaly telewizyjne. We wspomnianym powyzej liscie do bylych abonentow TV Polonia UBI oferuje natomiast 3 kanaly telewizyjne, ktorych nie ma i nie potrafi wymienic ani ich nazwy ani podac terminu, kiedy goloslowna "oferta" bedzie rzeczywiscie oferta.<br />Z wielu powodow uwazam, ze musicie Panstwo sami odpowiedziec sobie na ponizsze pytania:<br /><br />w Czy celem listu UBI bylo zniechecenia Polakow w Australii do abonamentu TV Polonia?<br />w Czy Maria Regina Boulos sadzila, ze Polonia australijska nigdy nie dowie sie, ze to ona wlasnie<br />w kierowala firma Tarbs az do czasu jej bankructwa?<br />w Czy Maria Regina Boulos uwaza, ze Polonia australijska da sie tak latwo manipulowac?<br /><br />W przeciwienstwie do obiecanek firmy UBI,<br />PUMA MEDIA oferuje konkretne programy i dotrzymuje terminow.<br /><br />Dlatego z wielka przyjemnoscia informuje, ze Puma Media planuje wprowadzenie dodatkowego polskiego kanalu telewizyjnego w Australii.<br /><br />Od polowy sierpnia oferta nasza poszerzona zostanie o dodatkowy kanal telewizyjny z Polski. Kanal iTVN jakoscia i charakterem programu najbardziej przypomina australijski kanal 9. Poniewaz wiekszosci widzow w Australii program iTVN jest nieznany, postanowilismy przez pierwsze 4 tygodnie przedstawic go bezplatnie naszym potencjalnym abonentom. Po tym okresie program iTVN bedzie kodowany i dostepny jedynie dla abonentow. Kliknij tutaj po wiecej informacji na temat abonamentu iTVN.<br /><br />Tadeusz Matkowski<br />Managing Director<br />Puma Media "
Posted By: Boggie Re: iTVN on Optus B3 (polish channel) - Mon 01 Aug 2005 03:35:AM
Lazersat,<br /><br />I don’t want to translate the whole text. This is Puma’s response to the letter UBI sent to people a few weeks ago. It says that only Puma can distribute TV Polonia signal AU. Puma is not related to UBI at all. UBI’s director was the director of Tarbs, and more explanation for polish community about Tarbs/UBI. <br /><br />If still would like to translate it, I can do it for you, but later in the week.<br /><br />Cheers<br /><br />Boggie
Posted By: LAZER Re: iTVN on Optus B3 (polish channel) - Mon 01 Aug 2005 04:32:AM
no probs thanks boggie just wanted to know what it meant mainly thanks <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/default/wink.gif" /> no need for a full translation as i can see there is alot there <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/default/wink.gif" />
Posted By: Liski Re: iTVN on Optus B3 (polish channel) - Mon 01 Aug 2005 02:15:PM
UBI never said that they will broadcast TV Polonia. A very good selection of Polish channels will begin very very soon.<br /><br />One of the best Polish channels will begin broadcasting shortly.
Posted By: ekhazen5 Re: iTVN on Optus B3 (polish channel) - Mon 01 Aug 2005 04:40:PM
i think it is polsat tv that is comming shorlty. don't u think so ? anyone. because last time i called ubi they told me that polsat should start last monday but there was some delays
Posted By: Boggie Re: iTVN on Optus B3 (polish channel) - Mon 01 Aug 2005 04:56:PM
I am really looking forward to see their offer. By the way, I keep waiting for last 8 months and all I can hear is – “..begin very soon..”. <br /><br />It is also interesting which channels are they going to broadcast here in AU. I spent some time in Poland and have regular contacts with my family and friends, and I can tell you that there are not many other channels. I don’t really know how it works, but many good channels broadcast non-polish productions as well. To do so, they need to have licences and copyright laws sorted – and they have, but only for Europe. This is why for example TVN created another channel called iTVN, or Polsat has Polsat 2 which are addressed to US or other areas where to get permission (pay for) to broadcast other than polish productions might be too expensive or in some countries is illegal.<br /><br />If you will ask people in Poland which channels do they watch (most popular) they will tell you (in no particular order) – Polish Public TV, Polsat and TVN. So, I am really looking forward to see those fantastic channels from Poland on UBI. I am not saying that TV Polonia or iTVN are the best, because quite often I go and rent some DVDs, but there is not many options left.
Posted By: ShaRp Re: iTVN on Optus B3 (polish channel) - Tue 02 Aug 2005 07:31:AM
is polish Public TV TV Polonia boggie?<br />if so puma tv has got 2 out of 3 most popular channels already.
Posted By: Boggie Re: iTVN on Optus B3 (polish channel) - Tue 02 Aug 2005 07:47:AM
Yes, TV Polonia is the satellite transmission of programs combined out of 3 public channels TVP 1, TVP 2 and TVP 3 (TVP 3 – each area in Poland has its own, local program). For many years Poland had only public TV and all TV/movie productions till 90’s were produce/finance by them.
Posted By: Dolphin Re: iTVN on Optus B3 (polish channel) - Mon 08 Aug 2005 11:47:PM
Here we go again ... <br /><br /> </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">A very good selection of Polish channels will begin very very soon.<br /><br />One of the best Polish channels will begin broadcasting shortly. </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">LISKI would you care to elaborate? What are these oh-so-wonderful polish channels and, based on what info can you ascribe them superlatives like "very good" and "one of the best"?
Posted By: LAZER Re: iTVN on Optus B3 (polish channel) - Mon 08 Aug 2005 11:49:PM
mate Polsat 2 started few days ago on UBI World TV on 12425 H 22500<br /><br />refer to this thread for more info<br />
Posted By: Dolphin Re: iTVN on Optus B3 (polish channel) - Tue 09 Aug 2005 12:14:AM
Again, my question goes unanswered. (Exasperated sigh). Is Polsat 2 meant to be the one that's "one of the best" or merely "very good". Who is it that provides these superlatives that we are supposed to accept as gospel?
Posted By: Big Chief Re: iTVN on Optus B3 (polish channel) - Tue 09 Aug 2005 07:58:AM
Really depends who you ask. According to Boggie Polsat it's one of the best.. Doesn't look like it coming from you..
Posted By: Boggie Re: iTVN on Optus B3 (polish channel) - Tue 09 Aug 2005 05:48:PM
Big Chief, Sorry for the confusion,<br /><br />I wanted to be a bit sarcastic. Polsat 2 (International) is crap. I have never said that it is the best (or at least I did not mean so). At this stage, I am quite sure that with this offer UBI is still well behind. The situation might change when they introduce some English channels.
Posted By: Liski Re: iTVN on Optus B3 (polish channel) - Wed 10 Aug 2005 02:34:AM
I guess the viewers will decide.<br /><br />2 more Polish channels will be coming very soon.
Posted By: georgiepie Re: iTVN on Optus B3 (polish channel) - Wed 10 Aug 2005 02:52:AM
Polsat in fact is one of the better channels but Polsat2 is the skimpy version of it - cut out programmes requiring overseas broadcasting licences (eg. non polish movies, internat. sports etc). The remaining holes filled with recycled stuff or some progs not really worth watching, repeated over and over again (like the strong man competitions on every night since p2 started on UBI).<br />On the other hand why arabic ubi channels have american content on them and nobody cares about those licence limitations etc.?
Posted By: LAZER Re: iTVN on Optus B3 (polish channel) - Wed 10 Aug 2005 03:05:AM
proberly depends on the content like how it shown or what is shown <br /><br />like some american shows audio are dubbed over into there language <br /><br />and some content isen't even shown in Australia <br /><br />different channels have different rules perhaps?? <br /><br />what channels or content were u referring to on UBI ?
Posted By: georgiepie Re: iTVN on Optus B3 (polish channel) - Wed 10 Aug 2005 03:24:AM
Not sure now. Just remember from the early fta times. Some of them had current US series, also movies. Now I can only say obout OmanTV or Abu Dabi ch - one of them, I noticed has the US sci-fi series with Kev Sorbo (can't remember the name). I saw also US movies on them. All in english, subtitled in arabic.<br />Polsat for eg has on today's schedule things like McGyver or Omen. Old stuff i know but still Polsat2 wouldn't dare to show it.<br />Question: in the last TARBS' days one of the Polsat ch's was about to start (was already uplinked on Telstar10 I think). Which one was it? Polsat or P2?
Posted By: LAZER Re: iTVN on Optus B3 (polish channel) - Wed 10 Aug 2005 03:44:AM
if it was on would of been on Thaicom 3 or NSS6 in the Tarbs days i have saved most of the old lyngsat charts none show any Polsat channels listed on those satellites only shows TV Polonia?
Posted By: georgiepie Re: iTVN on Optus B3 (polish channel) - Wed 10 Aug 2005 03:56:AM
Right, it was T3 (not NSS6), C band. I'm sure it was there, was also shown on lyngsat charts. Just not sure which one of the Polsat ch's it was (not Polonia). Maybe Liski could recall.<br />It was there for a couple of weeks until a few days after Tarbs folded.
Posted By: georgiepie Re: iTVN on Optus B3 (polish channel) - Wed 10 Aug 2005 04:40:AM
Lazer, great stuff but I really know it was on around that time and it was Polsatx.<br />Watching NASA TV? It is about to land.
Posted By: LAZER Re: iTVN on Optus B3 (polish channel) - Wed 10 Aug 2005 05:14:AM
well if u say it was there it must of been none of my charts show it <br /><br />maybe someone else can confirm perhaps?<br /><br /><br />yes the landing went well the online stream was perfect <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/default/grin.gif" /> and BBC World Coverage was good aswell
Posted By: georgiepie Re: iTVN on Optus B3 (polish channel) - Wed 10 Aug 2005 05:28:AM
Yep. Love it.
Posted By: Boggie Re: iTVN on Optus B3 (polish channel) - Wed 10 Aug 2005 07:05:AM
Guys,<br /><br />It was Thaicom 3 and it was aroud the time when Tarbs went down. I had that time a huge dish pointing to T3. <br /><br />It was Polsat 2. Unfortunately it was ony for a few days (4-6) till all Tarbs feeds where switched off.
Posted By: LAZER Re: iTVN on Optus B3 (polish channel) - Wed 10 Aug 2005 03:51:PM
kool thanks for the confirmation boggie <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/default/wink.gif" />
Posted By: apsattv Re: iTVN on Optus B3 (polish channel) - Tue 16 Aug 2005 11:34:PM
iTVN Polish has now started b3 12564H transponder<br /><br />hehe i beat you Lazersat!
Posted By: LAZER Re: iTVN on Optus B3 (polish channel) - Tue 16 Aug 2005 11:51:PM
LOL u sure did must of came up now as i done a blind scan not long ago <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/default/smile.gif" />
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