Posted By: Oh Magical Jim I have a crazy Idea... - Thu 13 Sep 2007 03:06:AM
As most people could/do, I know the basic physics of an atom bomb, and could freely create one (in my mind) if I had the stuff. The basic idea, is you take a sphere of plutonium, wrap it in high explosives, and detonate them all at the same time, crushing the plutonium down to a fraction of its normal size. At this moments, the radioactive atoms split, releasing pure matter. This matter, like most matter, falls apart, releasing untold ammounts of energy.

The thing most people don't realise is a nuclear explosion is basically, the creation of a sun. When it explodes, it creates a huge fireball in the sky, which burns at four-thousand degrees celcius, or seven thousand, two hundred and thirty two degrees Fahrenheit. This sun, like all suns, are very instable, and as the nuclear reaction dies off, the sun collapses on itself, releasing the second action, a huge blast of heat,radiation and kenetic force. The next wave is the blast front, as its famous for.

With this in mind, I realise that nuclear weaponry is a very powerful, uncontainable force. Realising this, we see almost every controlled weapon for war is useless. Even a gun is uncontrollable. You pull the trigger, and everything after that you have no control over. So, I was thinking a few days ago, what if you created a hand granadefrom led, put a small ball of plutonium inside of it, and wrapped that with several layers of c4, then wired that up to a timer, build into the granade. Once you pull a pin, it created an electrical current, which tells a timer to continue on for 10 seconds. After its thrown, everyone runs away as fast as they can, and redies for the minature nuclear explosion.

The advantage would be, that not only would the C4 be a good explosive, but the nuclear explosion would add extra kick into it, abliterating anything else in the blast radius. Not only that, but the blast front would clear up anything that survived.

Another thought is the same thing, but as a large wrist wrist attachment, like a sleeve (like in pradator) which each ground troop has, though it has more plutonium then the granade, creating more of an explosion. Say a team go out, and many are killed, and one fatally wounded. He could set the sleeve to count down from what ever he chose. When it exploded, it would (hopefully) kill off the enemy forces, and everything else.

One more idea, which is only possible in a dream, would be a bullet, fired by a nuclear explosion. Not only would the bullet travel ALOT faster then a conventional bullet, and further, but the bullet would become radioactive, meaning that even a flesh wound would be fatal.

A nasty subject I know, but its just an idea.
Posted By: Alisa Re: I have a crazy Idea... - Thu 13 Sep 2007 03:27:PM
Thanks for sharing that! coolpeace I appreciate your understanding of such complex things added with the power of your amazing imagination. [Linked Image]

For me it is [Linked Image]. Or off my radar. dunno

Posted By: Alisa Re: I have a crazy Idea... - Thu 13 Sep 2007 04:28:PM
You know what, tho? After making this post and then carrying on with the rest of my day, it occurred to me that there is synchronicity here (at least to me there is). My mind has been very much on explosives this week actually. blink

With the recent anniversary of Sept 11, I was prompted to revisit the issue, which I had concluded long ago was government MHOP (made it happen on purpose). Yesterday I watched September 11 Revisted an absolutely amazing documentary that virtually proves the building collapses were controlled demolitions.

A few day earlier, I had spent time contemplating the tragedy. I asked (as I do) for information from my internal source (higher self, spirit guides, etc.) as to what really happened on Sept 11. Amongst the imagery that came into my mind was of line drawings like a blue print with vials of blue fluid placed on the lines. I was perplexed at first, but after some thought, I interpreted this as symbolic of explosive fluids and that the message was indeed intentional demolition. At the same time, the word "cordite" popped into my mind, which is a word probably in my brain's vocabulary database (though a word previously unused), and which is reasonably impressive given my utter lack of explosives knowledge or interest.

I highly recommend going to the link above and watching at least a part of that documentary. It really brought the day back to me and refreshed my memory that has since been slightly muddied by the subsequent news reports and distorted interpretations of what happened on the day. It also has some amazing, clear analyses. coolpeace
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