Save $20 off Starry Night Version 6 Upgrades - Gift with Pre-order

August 8th 2006 PST

Save $20 off Version 6 Upgrades- Free Gift with Pre-order If you have trouble viewing this email, click here. Dear Starry Night registered user, It may seem like one small step from Version 5.8.2 to Version 6, but it's one giant leap for the world's most realistic astronomy software with up to 25 new features and data. ...Continue Reading

Perseid Earthgrazers

August 8th 2006 PST

NASA Science News for August 7, 2006 When the Perseid meteor shower peaks on August 12th, the nearly-full Moon is probably going to spoil the show. But there might be something to see before the Moon rises: a side-show of Perseid Earthgrazers. FULL STORY at http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2006/07aug_perseids.htm?list882224 You are currently subscribed to snglist as: nasa_reports@aus-city.com. This is a free service. To unsubscribe click here: http://lyris.msfc.nasa.gov/u?id=882224F&n=T&l=snglist or send a blank ema ...Continue Reading

NASA, Air Force Agree to Aeronautics Cooperation

August 8th 2006 PST

August 7, 2006 Dean Acosta/Melissa Mathews Headquarters, Washington 202-358-1400/1272 RELEASE: 06-289 NASA, AIR FORCE AGREE TO AERONAUTICS COOPERATION NASA and the United States Air Force have formed an aeronautics research partnership. NASA Administrator Michael Griffin and Secretary of the Air Force Michael Wynne signed a Memorandum of Understanding Monday at a Pentagon ceremony. The agreement builds upon and expands on the longstanding relationship between the two organizations. "Although NASA and the ...Continue Reading

Bad Breath: Causes and Cures, Today on LiveScience.com --- Monday, August 7, 2006

August 8th 2006 PST

LiveScience.com Monday, August 7, 2006 Study: Keyboards Could Be Easily Bugged Keyboards and other devices plugged into computers could be easily bugged by "JitterBugs" to covertly transmit passwords or other sensitive data. Ancient Syrian Settlements Seen in Spy Satellite Images Photos taken in the 1960s and declassified in the 1990s have been used to find 130,000-year-old remains. X-rays Reveal Archimedes' Hidden Writings Previously hidden wri ...Continue Reading

[nh-announce] 07 August 2006 -- Natural Hazards Updates

August 8th 2006 PST

The following sections were updated since 04 August 2006. -- FIRE (3 updated events, 3 new images) -- FIRES IN NORTHERN WASHINGTON The Tripod Complex Fire, which started in late July, continued to burn in northern Washington in early August 2006. * http://naturalhazards.nasa.gov/shownh.php3?img_id=13756 *** MODIS(Aqua) image from Aug 06 2007 (Posted on Aug 07 2006 1:26PM) FIRES IN SPAIN AND PORTUGAL Hot and dry conditions settling in across the Iberian Peninsula brought devastating wildfires to Spain and Portugal i ...Continue Reading

Aurora Surprise

August 7th 2006 PST

Space Weather News for August 7, 2006 http://spaceweather.com AURORA SURPRISE: A solar wind stream hit Earth this morning, sparking a geomagnetic storm. The arrival of the stream was unexpected, but the auroras it produced were a pleasant surprise. Bright, colorful lights appeared over Canada, while "photographic auroras" descended as far south as Colorado. See pictures of the event at http://spaceweather.com. DAWN PLANETS: Up before dawn? Step outside and look east. You'll see Venus and Mercury beami ...Continue Reading

Shuttle, Station Missions Ahead Are Most Challenging Ever

August 7th 2006 PST

Aug. 7, 2006 Grey Hautaluoma Headquarters, Washington 202-358-0668 Kylie Clem Johnson Space Center, Houston 281-483-5111 RELEASE: 06-288 SHUTTLE, STATION MISSIONS AHEAD ARE MOST CHALLENGING EVER Program managers and the six-member crew of the next space shuttle Atlantis flight will participate in a series of media briefings Friday, Aug. 11, at the Johnson Space Center, Houston. With the remaining shuttle missions, NASA will embark on a series of flights as difficult as any in history to complete the Internat ...Continue Reading

Today on SPACE.com --- Monday August 7, 2006

August 7th 2006 PST

SPACE.com Update for August 7, 2006 A {color: 333366; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 8pt; font-weight: bold}  * DESTINATIONS:* *News* *|* *SpaceFlight* *|* *Science/Astronomy* *|* *SETI* *|*   *Space Business News* *August 7, 2006*   *TOP STORY* *posted: August 7, 2006 12:08 pm EDT* *Universe Might be Bigger and Older than Expected*A project aiming to devise a simpler way to measu ...Continue Reading

Return of the Mars Hoax

August 6th 2006 PST

Space Weather News for August 6, 2006 http://spaceweather.com MARS HOAX: A bogus email is going around the Internet. It claims that Mars will be historically close to Earth on August 27, 2006--so close that Mars will look as large as the full Moon. This is not true. Here are the facts: On August 27th, Mars will be on the other side of the solar system, about 385 million kilometers from Earth. The red planet will look tiny and dim, nothing like a full Moon. The "Mars Hoax" email first appeared in 2003. On ...Continue Reading

[nh-announce] 04 August 2006 -- Natural Hazards Updates

August 4th 2006 PST

The following sections were updated since 03 August 2006. -- FIRE (2 updated events, 2 new images) -- FIRES IN NORTHERN TERRITORY, AUSTRALIA Late dry-season fires were burning in Northern Territory, including locations in Kakadu National Park, in early August 2006. * http://naturalhazards.nasa.gov/shownh.php3?img_id=13752 *** MODIS(Aqua) image from Aug 03 2006 (Posted on Aug 04 2006 11:49AM) FIRES IN NORTHERN CALIFORNIA In early August 2006, firefighters in northern California had their hands full with numerous bla ...Continue Reading
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