August 9th 2006 PST
Aug. 9, 2006 Paul Foerman Stennis Space Center, Miss. 228-688-1880 Grey Hautaluoma Headquarters, Washington 202-358-0668 CONTRACT RELEASE: C06-043 NASA ANNOUNCES STENNIS SPACE CENTER CONTRACTS NASA's Stennis Space Center, Miss., announced two contract awards Wednesday. Mississippi Space Services, located at Stennis, received a one-year contract extension to provide facility operating services at the center. Stennis also exercised the first option on a six-year, cost-plus-award-fee contract with Sverdrup Techn ...Continue Reading
August 9th 2006 PST
The following sections were updated since 08 August 2006. -- FLOOD (1 updated events, 1 new images) -- FLOODING IN LUZON, PHILIPPINES In mid-July, a combination of monsoon rains and downpours associated with Tropical Storm Bilis left the Philippine Island Luzon soggy. Floods affected the low-lying center of the island from Manila to Dagupan. * *** MODIS(Terra) image from Aug 06 2006 (Posted on Aug 09 2006 2:04PM) -- UNIQUE IMAGERY (1 updated events, 1 new image ...Continue Reading
August 9th 2006 PST Update for August 9, 2006 A {color: 333366; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 8pt; font-weight: bold}  * DESTINATIONS:* *News* *|* *SpaceFlight* *|* *Science/Astronomy* *|* *SETI* *|* *Space Business News* *August 9, 2006*  *TOP STORY* *posted: August 9, 2006 11:48 am EDT* *Mars Rover Inspects Beagle Crater*Those industrious robots on Mars—NASA’s ...Continue Reading
August 9th 2006 PST Wednesday, August 9, 2006 Surprise for Linguists: Nouns and Verbs Sound Different Subtle differences make a verb sound more like a verb and make noun more "nouny." Cell Phones Automatically Monitored for Better Traffic Updates A new service that measures radio signals beamed between your cell phone and cell phone towers could soon help speed up your commute. Feds Lower Hurricane Forecast The 2006 Atlantic hurricane season sho ...Continue Reading
August 9th 2006 PST
Greetings: During the next week the NASA History Division plans to release a solicitation for the preparation of a scholarly book-length manuscript on A History of NASA's International Relations. The book should focus on the time period since NASA's inception, but will also include historical detail on previous scientific endeavors, such as the International Geophysical Year (IGY). The publication will include consideration of the cultural, political, social, and personal factors that have shaped NASA's approach to ...Continue Reading
August 9th 2006 PST
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2006 STS-115 CREW PARTICIPATES IN COUNTDOWN TEST Date/Time/Location: Aug. 7-10, Kennedy Space Center. The astronauts and ground crews for Space Shuttle Atlantis' upcoming mission, STS-115, are participating in a full launch dress rehearsal. The demonstration test provides the crew of each shuttle mission with an opportunity to participate in various simulated countdown activities, including equipment familiarization and emergency egress tra ...Continue Reading
August 9th 2006 PST Update for August 8, 2006 A {color: 333366; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 8pt; font-weight: bold}  * DESTINATIONS:* *News* *|* *SpaceFlight* *|* *Science/Astronomy* *|* *SETI* *|* *Space Business News* *August 8, 2006*  *TOP STORY* *posted: August 8, 2006 03:54 pm EDT* *Organic Molecules Found in Diverse Space Places*A two-year survey of interstellar dust clouds has tu ...Continue Reading
August 8th 2006 PST
The following sections were updated since 07 August 2006. -- DUST AND SMOKE (2 updated events, 2 new images) -- SAHARAN DUST STORM A dust storm blew from Algeria southward over Mali and Niger in early August 2006. * *** MODIS(Terra) image from Aug 04 2006 (Posted on Aug 07 2006 10:07AM) DUST STORM OVER THE RED SEA Thick plumes of dust blew off the east coast of Sudan, over the Red Sea, in late June and early July 2006. Dust activity continued in August 2006. ...Continue Reading
August 8th 2006 PST
Free Gift with Pre-order of New Starry Night Version 6 If you have trouble viewing this email, click here. Details about Special Offer **Pre-order Starry Night Version 6 by August 22, 2006 for a Free Planisphere! To receive your FREE Orion Star Target Constellation and Celestial Object Finder with your pre-order of Starry Night Complete Space and Astronomy Pack (2006 edition), Starry Night Enthusiast version 6, Starry Night Pro version 6, Starry ...Continue Reading
August 8th 2006 PST
Free Gift with Pre-order of New Starry Night Version 6 If you have trouble viewing this email, click here. Details about Special Offer **Pre-order Starry Night Version 6 by August 22, 2006 for a Free Planisphere! To receive your FREE Orion Star Target Constellation and Celestial Object Finder with your pre-order of Starry Night Complete Space and Astronomy Pack (2006 edition), Starry Night Enthusiast version 6, Starry Night Pro version 6, Starry ...Continue Reading
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