hey guys,<br />I want to buy a used Tarbs box for my uncle...So if you have any Tarbs box that ur willing to sell plz tell me ASAP! <br /><br />The box MUST be in a good condition with everything working fine and no problems...I dont mind both models the old and the new but if you have a new one for abit of more money thats not a problem..<br /><br />We're willing to pay around $120 - $150 but we can discuss the price issue so that shouldnt be a problem too...<br /><br />But this is only for ppl in Sydney (prefered South West area) so we can come and pick it up...since that this is not eBay so we'll come and pick it up and also to see its condition and pay the money...<br /><br />So if you have an ex-Tarbs reciever that you want to sell just tell me in a private message or here in this thread..<br /><br />thanks