Welcome to the AUS-CITY Forums!
AUS-CITY Forums are an open forum designed for the discussion of a wide range and variety of topics.
It is, in a very real sense, an online community, made up of all sorts of people, talking about all sorts of things. In order to maintain a free and comfortable environment for this wide variety of discussion, our moderators will enforce a few simple rules:
- No coarse language � Keep in mind that the boards can be viewed by users of all ages from all corners of the world.
- No personal attacks � Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and disagreements are bound to crop up. However, attacks based on someone�s education level, sex, race, creed, religion, sexual orientation, etc. will not be tolerated.
- No flames � Flooding the board with a series of unnecessary posts is just plain silly. It�s one thing to disagree, but your point can usually be made with one post.
- No advertisements � Mentioning a product or service in passing is fine, but direct solicitations are not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, links to competing websites.
- No links to messages or topics on other boards or private web sites, without their expressed permission.
- If you notice a post that violates these rules, please bring it to the attention to the forum moderator(s) or administrator(s).
- You are required to maintain an email address in your registration profile at all times that accepts mail from aus-city.com as part of our strict anti-spam policy.
- Any post once made becomes 'public domain' and becomes the property of AUS-CITY. As per California State Statute the user / author is and remains responsible for any applicable laws, copyright, etc. AUS-CITY does NOT release any information to any parties whatsoever (also under California State Statute).
- Multiple user accounts and trolling. Should a user be found out to have multiple accounts we reserve the right at our discretion to ban them and the right to publish the user name(s) in the forums.
AUS-CITY reserves the right to delete offending posts and to block access to users who break the rules.
These guidelines are here to ensure everyone�s enjoyment. We hope you find the Bulletin Board a worthwhile place in which to join a discussion.
Please note for registration we require these fields in your profile:
* Login Name (between 3 and 16 characters)
* Display Name (shown on the forum)
* Email Address (not shown on the forum, but required for registration and use of aus-city.com forums as per our strict anti-spam policy)
* Password (between 4 and 20 characters)
* Full Name (not shown on the forum, but required for registration)
* Your birthday (for forum birthday recognition and age validation)