STS-107 <br />1 27647U 03003A 03018.29469453 .00022218 20611-8 46633-4 0 53<br />2 27647 39.0167 218.2620 0012306 2.7745 129.0843 15.97706352 273<br /><br />Launch time for STS-107: 16 JAN 03 @ 15:39:00.075 UTC<br /><br />Earth-Centered Inertial State Vector:<br /><br />Vector format = 7<br />Satellite Name: STS-107<br />Catalog Number: 27647 03003A <br />Epoch Date/Time: 03018.29469452500<br /> 01/18/2003 07:04:21.606 UTC<br />ECI X: 5881.02487925676 km<br /> Y: -258.62834087729 km<br /> Z: 3113.11400718382 km<br /> Xdot: 2.03343639827535 km/s<br /> Ydot: 6.71834590631216 km/s<br /> Zdot: -3.2564179952151 km/s<br />ndot/2 (drag): 0.00022218151 rev/day^2<br />nddt/6: 2.06106E-09 rev/day^3<br />Bstar: 4.66328E-05 1/Earth Radii<br />Elset #: 5<br />Rev @ Epoch: 27.36627585360<br /><br /><br />Keplerian Elements (Amsat format):<br /><br />Satellite: STS-107 <br />Catalog number: 27647<br />Epoch time: 03018.29469453<br />Element set: 5<br />Inclination: 39.0167 deg<br />RA of node: 218.2620 deg<br />Eccentricity: 0.0012306<br />Arg of perigee: 2.7745 deg<br />Mean anomaly: 129.0843 deg<br />Mean motion: 15.97706352 rev/day<br />Decay rate: 2.22182e-04 rev/day^2<br />Epoch rev: 27<br />Checksum: 283<br /><br />Drag Factor is 0.5<br /><br />SPACE SHUTTLE ORBITAL DATA:<br /><br />These 2-line elements have been generated using Ken Ernandes' program<br />VEC2TLE using real time state vector data supplied by DOD C-Band<br />Radar Network courtesy Dave Simonson. Note that the epoch of the<br />2-line elements is the same as the state vector time.<br /><br />Occasionally these elements are derived from the Goddard Space Flight<br />Center (GSFC) NASA Orbital Information Group (OIG), using Curtis<br />Haases' program VEC2VIF that formats the OIG vectors for use by<br />VEC2TLE.<br /><br />The source of the data can be confirmed by the data format of the<br />vector ;<br />EFG, ft, ft/s = DOD C-Band Radar Network<br />ECI, km, km/s = NASA OIG RAID RBBS<br /><br />Drag and B-Star parameters are internally calculated by VEC2TLE<br />using the drag factor. Rev numbers use NASA orbit numbering<br />convention.<br /><br /> David Cottle