when TARBS first started, and we were paying our monthly rentals, we had only two Balkans channels and no english ones. For <strong>no extra cost</strong>, TARBS had been adding chanels all over the place, even some english ones! We, the Balkans enjoyed 4 channels. UBI had gone a step further (before TV+ stuck its nose in to grab some cash! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/default/rolleyes.gif" /> ) and added more! Pink Extra, TV Planeta.... and it wasn't going to stop there....<br />But wait there is more!<br />UBI even worked on getting the best picture quality (as per our demand!) and have replaced those crap NTSC (Never Twice the Same Colour) feed with Fiber driven direct PAL from Europe!<br />Now that is dedication and I don't mind paing for it!!!<br /><br />Even Liski is proactive! (just joking nas"iot <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/default/wink.gif" /> )<br />and that's what i expect service to be!!!<br /><br />Vlad...<br /> <br /> <small>[ 16. February 2005, 08:15 AM: Message edited by: Darth Vader ]</small>