Outings for January, February and March are<br /><br />7th January, 2006 - Kingston Park Raceway – Evening of Go-Kart action. Meeting Garden City Shopping Centre (in front of Rebel Sports) at 6.00pm to leave at 6.30pm for a leisurely cruise to Kingston Park. Cost $80.00 per head for full package. Other options available on request. Please let Rick know if you are coming so he can let Kingston Park know numbers.<br /><br />4th February, 2006 - Shopping Spree and Pub Day – One mostly for the girls, a shopping day at Harbour Town Shopping Centre while the boys sink a few at the local. Meet at the Logan Hyperdome Shopping Centre at 9.00am to leave at 9.30am.<br /><br />5th March, 2006 - Trivia Night – Trivia on a whole range of subjects, not all about cars. Nibblies provided and drinks are BYO. Cost $20 per head approx (will finalise soon). To be held at R A Dibbs & Sons, Pentex Street, Salisbury, commencing at 7.00pm.<br /><br />Regular Club Cruises (Friday Nights, Saturdays and Sundays Only)<br /><br />Harry Diners at Newmarket, Broadwater Car Park at Nerang, Rock’n’Roll Café at Victoria Point, Yatala Pie Shop at Yatala. Give Rick a call if you want to go and he will let you know if anyone else is keen. Let me know if there is anywhere else you want to go.<br /> <br /> <small>[ 08. December 2005, 08:02 PM: Message edited by: hqss ]</small>