Originally Posted by sachz
Mr Liski,

I am somewhat surprised by your response.

I thought this forum was a semi-formal UBI discussion area, if not the only dedicated UBI forum on the internet, where serious issues were to be raised -- not swept under the carpet.

I guess I was wrong.

Should I table a written complain to UBI headquarters referencing this thread in my report.

Yes, I do find K15 to be funny at times too, as I pay for this service and am familiar with the group.... BUT to hear the F*CK YOU F*CK YOU repeated every 15 minutes (or there-abouts!) 24 hours a day on that channel is just TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE.

Clean up this act or as another reader here suggested, slap on a classification rating on the channel. Does anyone know if the broadcasting authority may be interested in this as well?

Thank You for your time.

Are you for real?
The word f.uck is now used continually on our Free to air channels (7/9/10,SBS) If you would have watched the Dakar rally (2005)on SBS on Thursday at 8.30PM for over the last 6 weeks you would have noticed one Bike rider called "CHARLIE!" and others saying F.UCK Approx every 5 minutes and the rating was only "M". Get use to it because at school the kids are saying F.UCK every 30 seconds.
Now I wonder who you work for.