It seems to me that your situation is very typical Bella and not at all unique.

I've been dealing with DoCS for over 2 years now and I didn't have to read far into your story to pick up their "concerns" about you. Concerns for DoCS are exactly the same regardless of the family - we all get tarred with the same brush.

It doesn't matter which state the Department is in - all offices manage their cases in exactly the same way and it's next to illegal.

I have no idea what Orders are in place in regard to your son - but having your daughter in your care is an advantage.

The most obvious thing I see - and no doubt you see this too - is that you need to get your child away from your Aunt.

I would like to know if you are having supervised visit with your son. If you aren't - you have an open doorway for video taping your son's emotional reactions to what your Aunt is saying to him and video is a huge advantage... It's leverage.

At the end of the day - it's all about what is in the best interest of your child. If your boy is displaying such emotional reactions in your Aunt's house as well as during contact with you then him living in that home is NOT in his best interest.

I would like to know more about what is going on in your situation. I think I can come up with some useful ideas to help you.