I'm soooo sorry for your plight with this inconsiderate Dept...I can see how they think that no contact is protecting the kids and if there is concerns then why aren't they intervening with help for you...

it seems you and hubby have done this yourself showing your willingness and ability to help yourselves and doing that helps your family...your arguments are getting stronger with the help you are getting...Keep it up.

The next bit instead of just waiting for the Department to allowing you's contact is to get onto the Children Services Tribunal about the contact, and remember your doing what you feel is in the best interest of your children with phone contact but I can't see why you can't have supervised visit's? You didn't physically abuse anyone! Your psychiatrist should be able to do a report/letter for you to present to the tribunal to help your argument for contact...

Stick with the trusting supports you have and us here...

Ooooh and they know about this site and power4parents huh? Hi Ipswich CSSC...please be kind enough in your heart to at least consider having a heart and allowing these children to have some sort of regular physical contact with their parents. Their emotional future should be considered especially when the guardianship decisions are held by you's...

Why should anyone amount to begging for what comes naturally between parents and children to be allowed...