I rang my solicitor straight away when I got home and filled her in. She's taken some lovely notes.

As per the reunification plan - I've done my bit.

But my solicitor and barrister are stoking the fire for other reasons. They have an agenda and every bit adds to it.

What gets me (and this riles me the most) is that even though DoCS know full well that they are the reason behind my child's delays - they want to fix it!!

They want to spend tax payer's money to engage all these people to fix the problems and they won't allow the problems to be fixed by simply returning my daughter home to me.

If my daughter was to come home - her health would improve almost immediately... This would lead to her balance improving as well as her immune system.

But trying to improve the other damage would be a slow old process - assuming that it can be improved.

The damage is already done and trying to improve a child who has early developmental delays could take years to bring the child back up to speed.

But what is ignored is the fact that these delays are caused by carers who do NOT raise and interact with a child the same way the natural parent would.