Have uploaded the revised P4P site... I see no change, but that might be an issue with my browser (which I'm currently trying to find and fix).

NB: If the copyright at the bottom of the page says 2008, the page is revised.

Anyway - was looking at the statistics for the site and as it's catalogued with search engines, it gives me a list of keywords that people have been using that has been bringing up P4P in the search engines.

It's amazing the trouble parents are having out there. Here's just a few of the keywords being used...

pediatric fracture stories x-rays pediatric

parental consent foster care high risk activity

foster parents take department of child safety to court

department of child safety bitches

how to get kids back from docs

when can a child be taken from home by docs

can a child receive medical treatment against their parents wishes in queensland

fight to get my kids back from foster care

what to do if your not happy with docs

conflect between child and parents regard to consent of medical treatment

contravention orders

how parents can removal a child from home

what to do when your foster child becomes destructive

should i call docs to help me

One thing is obvious - I need to write more pages for the site.