Originally Posted by DocSniper
Have any of you troopers seen this ad ?
it shows a family, mom,dad, daughter(take note a female girl) aged about a yr old.
you will see the dad and only the dad touching the child.
the mom dont even touch.
Now I really find this bloody ad,very odd.
on one hand you have DOCS, they would be saying the dad is grooming the daughter and is sexually abusing the child.
You dont really see the dad doing anything cos the camera does not pan down. But, if DOCS had their way, that man on that AD will be branded a kid Frked.

No I haven't seen the ad yet but I will keep an eye out for it.
I posted something about Huggies a while ago about a child using Huggies Dry Nights where a child will stop wetting itself in bed or something like that in due time as the child gets older but if you listen to DOCS any child that wee's it bed at that age has been sexually abused.