Action has begun to not only bring more abused parents out of the closet but to get the word out to the public about what is really going on with families in Australia.

A suggestion has been put on the table about gathering stories from everybody and slapping boxes of documents on the tables of editors, MPs and whomever else en mass.

I believe this is what needs to be done and so do others. So this will be done.

I am putting out the call that everybody begin writing their stories and sending them in. I am happy to have the stories sent to me... But if anybody else wants to be in receipt of them that's cool.

We need time for the stories to be written and submitted. Given that it is now practically mid November, I would suggest that we aim for all documents to be sent to me or whomever by January 1st 2009.

I believe these stories should be in multiple copy for distribution to however many people and places we feel needs to hear them (please give input into who should get copies of the stories!!).

Then the stories will all be posted on the same day to these people or organisations. Therefore they will get them at around the same time.

Does anyone think that a contribution towards postage is a bad idea?