hey wantsjustice...what great news...it made me cry and helped me break down over crap issues I'm again going through all due to more deliberate lies of course...

I'm pleased to know this and was wondering how come your children were allowed near the court room? A No no here in Qld so having the kids just outside the court room could've possibly put the CSO off from lying any further as she might have done if the kids were no where near the scene...

Your 12 year old is defintely old enough to have an opinion and understanding about her care and whether she feels unsafe - and HELLO! SHE IS FEELING VERY VERY SAFE!

Good on you wantsjustice, now play the Dept's antics of recording everything on paper and if need be tape recorder no matter what! Always have a support person and witness to your meetings with them and request notes of every issue the Dept feel they have during the investigation asking for this in writing...it's full proof believe me...

What was your lawyers advise?