The parable that Jesus teaches is what a true Christian ought to do with not only their own brother/sister in the faith but also for their enemy...

The Samaritan was an enemy of the Jews, and therefore it was unlikely that a Samaritan would have helped a Jew in any situation, but the fact that the Priest and a Levite both passed that Jew without helping him, and they were related to the Jews by blood, they only looked out for themselves which goes along way to show how hypocritical they were when they were supposed to represent the true God in essence.

So the Mormons therefore if they were true Christians could and should have helped you DocSniper regardeless of what that mormon's work employer may have said...he judged based on not your facts but on the facts that were shown/told to him instead of seeing you as a human being in need. They acted like the Priest and Levite, uncompassionately!

Jesus was saying that everyone of us are neighbours and brothers...and we should have compassion for all mankind and help them if the help is accepted....