Originally Posted by JusticeForAll
So if a parent can't control a child then how can DOCS? And why should DOCS be expected to control them?

They didn't send him away either. He's going to VISIT his mother. Yes his mother would usually pay for the trip, but a child who is in the long term care of DOCS has all their needs paid for by....DOCS! There's no way his mother is going to pay for his flight when she doesn't have to.

I don't see it as wasting money. It's money that's allowing a mother to have contact with her child who lives in another state.

Ya beginning to sound like a Sharon.

Really they can waste that money like that.Ay.

then why cant I get to see my son over the Xmas so called festive fripping Holidays ?.

same distance. why, cant they fly me or him up here and set me up in a motel room,Huh?.
why cant they afford to fly me down to the next court date, they know I have no money.

Get out of the Kitty litter.