
well I read so far and still have to read the above 3 or so postings.
I just wish to add that I tipped 20,000 (remember I remortgaged my house) into solicitor's fees to keep going to court against docs.
And in hind sight I don't think it did anything. I actually wonder if I had just sat back and did nothing (should have spent the 20,000 on a holiday for myself!!) I think the outcome would have been the same.
So for the past year I have been going hard at my mortgage to catch up since the docs after math. that's the legacy I am left with from docs in our lives!

AND today my child says to me as we are waiting for child's father to collect child. child says 'mum who is my real dad?' He was referring to docs being in our lives. child has mentioned this to me before.

And just for the record (excuse me on this bit) but my periods started today. No wonder I was sounding so crabby when I made that anonymous phone call to an organisation last evening. I feel like a bus has run over me. I have no energy, my legs are aching and my ankles are puffy etc. Not to mention my intolerance factor. Normally I am smiling and full of life. I just want to hide from the world today. I'll be ok by tomorrow.
Bring on menopause - I say.

I feel very bitchy and sarcastic and nasty today. So watch out!!!