Since the not needed war in Iraq is nearly over and all you guys won't have anything much to talk about, this is what I am suggesting.<br /><br />After we had our group meeting last night:<br /><br />1.We definitely need a Female prime minister to run this country like our role model in New Zealand Helen Clark.<br />2.Remove all females from our reduced military.<br />3.Have a greater majority of female ministers in government.<br />4.Have more female judges. <br />5.Only have a majority of Female school teachers.<br />6.And being a devoted Catholic I would like to see Females allowed to become priests.<br />7.Have more Womens hospitals.<br />8.Spend more (money saved from our reduced Military) on Breast cancer.<br />9.Definitely have the CEO of major companies run by women so you don't get this disaster we had recently with HIH Insurance, Men are too dishonest!!.<br />10.Retire and replace the male senior positions in the police department.<br /><br />There is a lot more but I think you guys get the picture.<br /><br />Hey Phil! your name's Debono. Is it French, Maltese or Italian?<br />Its a pity that we weren't around in the early 50's, that one thing I would have stopped, Italian migrants coming into Australia.<br />Cathy