Yeah our class had a debate on it. It was protecting the Australian Content on Tv. Most shows as our debating team said are all American and were taking in to much of their slang when we should be saying less of that and more of the Australian stuff.<br /><br />On Tv out of 10 shows i'd say 8 of them are American. It think it is wrong because if Australia makes a Tv show it shows in Australia but doesn't get distributed to the rest of the world but if it's American then it does get distributed to the rest of the world.<br /><br />As for doing the halloween stuff i think it is good to have fun and try something new but like i said we are taking to much of the American culture and everything they do. <br /><br />I totally think it's wrong because we are turning into Americans more and more eveyday. Where is your dignity??? Where is your pride???