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Well watching Channel Nine News last night (15/10//07)I just caught a segment about Queensland police getting caught in their own speed cameras. It was interesting once again thanks to the freedom of information ACT and a good reporter that reported this but I would like to add my two bobs worth.
See what attracted my attention to this story was the high percentage of police whilst on or possibly off duty that were booked for speeding but it was the case of an outrageous percentage of them that write a letter to the department with a reason why they were speeding and they get off. Now as I said I just caught this story by a second so I don't exactly remember the percentage that get off but it was high and I can tell you this that the average Tom Dick and Harry that has been caught speeding has got BUCKLEY'S chance of getting off as easy as the off or on duty Police do so how do they do it? Haaaaaa easy!!

No I'm not saying where I got this info from but some of us unfortunately have relatives or friend in the Police service and yes they do enjoy a drink at a BBQ and yes the drink has a habit of loosening a few tongues and this is what I over heard at a Bathurst 1000 party that got my ears ringing.
See what is getting around the traps in the Police service is just say an off or on duty Police officer is driving his or her private or Police car on a public road and in a split second they unfortunately get zapped by a speed camera for speeding and they know that they have been busted what they do is accelerate and pull over the first car that just happen to be in front of them.
Now they will pull the car over for any reason like Sir/Madam why were you drifting in your lane, or your brake light are coming on and off or whatever stupid or silly reason they can use to pull the car in front of them over so they can get details, times and whatever needed so the off or on duty cop can write his or her letter saying this was the reason why he or she was speeding.
I find this what I heard absolutely disgusting and outrageous that we have a law for the common person and we have a loophole for the Police.
What I would like for the General public to do is if you pass a speed camera and you are not speeding whatsoever and for some reason just after or kms later down the road you get pulled over for whatever reason by anyone on or off duty and they just happens to flash a badge at you and ask for your details which you give him or her ask for his or her name and service number (They could refuse or ask why?), also get details, time, "etc" of the car they are driving and number plate and report them to the CMC (Crimes Misconduct Commission)You never know you could be lucky, See if the CMC investigate and it just happens the Police officer gives them the same excuse (I bet the excuses would be similiar)as they put in their letter to get off the fine the CMC will know that the Police Officer in question is on the nose, and after this message on this forum gets around they might think twice before pulling this swifty again.
Remember all, the way I look at it the Police are not above the law and they should be treated equally like the rest of us.
Now let me see where is the phone number for the CMC.

Last edited by I Hate GOV, DEPT; Tue 16 Oct 2007 02:32:PM.
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And just think the story on channel Nine was mainly about Police getting booked whilst on duty, It would be impossible to find out via "FOI" how many were booked in their private vehicles whilst off duty going too and from work.
I have been told that the percentage of Police that get off is just under 50% but for the general public its just over 5%, I wonder why the difference. AAAAAAA person has contacted me and is applying again via the "FOI" to access records to find out what cock and bull stories were used to get off, I wonder if they will match. wave

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We all know the cops are above the law because they seem to have trouble following it for themselves.
Look at that story about jay walking on Today Tonight, the cop was booking people for jay walking across the road in the city, and across the road around the corner sits the Police station and at lunch time the cops cross the road in any fashion and not one of them got booked.
This problem is world wide but QLD has had a lot of publicity on dirty cops lately, it must be the warm weather.

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Are the police above the law?
My Brother continually says so, the job has gone to his head. disgust

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Are they above the Law?
My Brothers tells me this and that and I tell him his job has gone to his head.

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What happened to my original post it never got through?.

The Police are above the law
Yes my Brother continually tells me that to fight crime they are allowed to break the law.
What a lot of crap, does that include speeding and the rest of the shit they get up to?.

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Originally Posted by Hammer
What happened to my original post it never got through?.

The Police are above the law
Yes my Brother continually tells me that to fight crime they are allowed to break the law.
What a lot of crap, does that include speeding and the rest of the shit they get up to?.

A bug in the forum.
Maybe the Police are trying to stuff up this site like they have done to others. l_sabre

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Talk about stuff ups. I hope Ben Cousins sues the arse of the WA Police for their stuff up. Go Ben I think 10 mil should be a starter and while you are at it sue those other arse lickers that sacked you.
What a trucking joke the Police are today. Do you know thousand today take medication for illnesses and the medication you take is legal in tablet format but illegal in liquid format. Get your act together Cops because state wise you are all the same, FULL OF TRUCKING MISTAKES!!!!!!!!!!
Get the $50 and convert it into 50 Million, They have admitted their mistake

And this is the crap that some of us have had to put up with because of Police Bungling.

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Yes it was a stuff up big time and it has been a dinner table conversation at our place for the last few days.
Just think of the new laws just introduced in parliament in NSW that give the Police more power that they can trail a person for 5 days without a warrant.
And just think NSW Police want to introduce the new law similar to the US that makes Bikie clubs illegal which in the US they have but guess what once you open Pandora's box they introduce the law for other clubs that attract public attention and that is happening right now in the US in some states. My Bro tell me the minute NSW gets it QLD will follow soon after.
This will cause problems for all clubs that attract unwanted attention, I have already warned two about what I've been told and they just told me to piss off and shut up.
So much for your help these days.

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Yes some live with their head in the bucket these days.

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If you can read todays paper in Melbourne and you will see that the Victorian Police Union spent 4 Million Dollars on legal fee for corrupt Cops, 4 million bucks!!! Paying legal fees to save corrupt cops and they tell me in each state its about the same.
What I want to know is if some of these corrupt cops frame or set a person up which I PERSONALLY know one case and this person spends hundreds of thousands of dollars to defend himself is the Police Union going to pay for his legal fees? I bet not and it will take 10 years to sue them even after proof that you were set up by a corrupt cop.
Work that out!.

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Todays front page in the Courier Mail in Qld
POLICE CORRUPTION, $$$$$$$$$$$ Kickbacks don't you love it, these arses have a hide to book you for speeding or Charge you for a trumped up offense and they're involved in this scam.
Go for it CMC (Crimes Misconduct Commission), sack the lot of them and send them all to jail.

Last edited by I Hate GOV, DEPT; Mon 29 Oct 2007 04:08:PM.
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Originally Posted by musicman
If you can read todays paper in Melbourne and you will see that the Victorian Police Union spent 4 Million Dollars on legal fee for corrupt Cops, 4 million bucks!!! Paying legal fees to save corrupt cops and they tell me in each state its about the same.
What I want to know is if some of these corrupt cops frame or set a person up which I PERSONALLY know one case and this person spends hundreds of thousands of dollars to defend himself is the Police Union going to pay for his legal fees? I bet not and it will take 10 years to sue them even after proof that you were set up by a corrupt cop.
Work that out!.

Same up here mate
Who do you think paid for Chris Hurleys Manslaughter trial? The Police Union, and the thing that got me was he was charged and went to trial in a matter of months with "NO" committal.
Now do some research and you will find this is an Australian record for a person to be charged going to trial and becoming a free man all this in a few months.
The average Joe Blog that gets charged has to wait anything up to three to five years before his or her case gets heard, so why should this cop be given special treatment by bringing on his case so early so they could put him out of his misery. Again, there are rules and laws for the police and others for the general public

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Hove you see the latest for the police!!
Yes some of the Police today are waring those new wrist watches that are a watch but mainly are a recording device. Sneaky devils aren't they, They want to record your conversation without you knowing it and without asking your permission so it makes it easier for them to get "A" conviction in case if you deny anything. Personally I think these wankers are watching too many James Bond movies but what is happening is real they are using these devices.
Don't worry they also bug your home phone, and If they cant get a court order here in Queensland to do it they have another option and they don't need a Court order for this one and its called a PRETEXT CALL where they record a conversation between you and another person WITHOUT YOUR AUTHORITY and if they get anything juicy they use this evidence to nail you, Smart little devils aren't they.
My suggestion is to all the Australian public is since the cops today want to play James Bond you now have to think outside the square so in simple terms if you ever have the unfortunate circumstance to be forced to talk to any Police Officer/Cop/PIG whatever you want to call them if they want to talk to you you ask them firstly before you start ARE YOU VIDEOING OR RECORDING THIS CONVERSATION IN ANY WAY and If they say YES you say nothing, and if they say no I am not recording anything still don't trust them because you never know.
Remember they all want to outsmart you today, this is the way it has become, I wonder what they will think of next.

Last edited by I Hate GOV, DEPT; Sun 11 Nov 2007 07:58:PM.
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Police corruption don't you love it.

It starts from the lowest in the ranks to highest in the office.
The general public has no idea what I'm talking about not unless you have been unfortunate enough to have had dealing with the Police Service/Department in any State.
Its Victoria's turn now but what state will be next.(Always in QLD)
Just think in a court of law today who do you think the jury always believes when testifying hey? Yes a cop even if he or she is lying through his or her teeth.
Something has to be done to stop the Lying, Planting of evidence, giving leading questions to a witness, cover ups to protect other lying bent officers, cover ups to protect other Government Departments that work hand in hand with the Police and whatever other illegal activities the Police get up to today because its not on.
The penalties must be severe for any cop bending the rules to suit themselves or the case they are working on, Its time for the public to stand up for themselves, use technology because they do to nail or frame you. My saying is do not do to others that you don't want done to yourself, so next time you see a cop behaving badly report him or her to the Crimes and Misconduct commission (QLD) and whatever in another state.
Stand up for your rights.!

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you know I have been reading this for the last few weeks and you are right about the police in this country
i was bashed up with my older brother in the city and the communist pigs that beat us up got caught by camera they were arrested the lot of them got bail then went to court and got a slap on the wrist for beating us up
mind you they all got bail the same day
how come these that bashed that police man and his wife in the gold cost were refused bail why
the communist pigs that beat us up and put my bro in hospital were given bail we complained but made no difference they got bail
is the law different for bail in queensland is it because it must be
cant understand sorry for my english

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No the law is not different its just a case that the law protects cops more than the average Joe blow. See its simple they protect their own and forget the rest. Those thugs that beat the off duty cop and his girlfriend should have done their homework as if the cop was not a cop it would have been just another case of assault and the lot of them would have been on bail.
Its just a case that they picked on the wrong person to bash but this is what pisses me off, why should cops get special treatment.
Well this is what I have to say and this is the 10th time I have said this that if cops want to play it this way how about giving BENT cops special treatment. Just say if any person lies under oath he or she gets a minor sentence but if a COP lies under oath or breaks any laws that they represent they get LIFE imprisonment with no chance of parole.
Now we all know that won't happen and the main reason is THEY WILL NEED TO BUILD 100 NEW PRISONS!. THERE IS NOTHING MORE IN THIS WORLD I HATE MORE THAN A BENT COP THAT TWISTS AND BENDS THE LAW TO SUIT THEMSELVES, REPORT ALL BENT COPS TO THE CMC, even if its a minor offense like using a mobile phone whilst driving, take a picture with your mobile phone if not driving, wait till they deny it full time, let them lie under oath, let them cover their pathetic arses up and then produce the evidence. They will say you are trying to entrap me now that is illegal, truck them because they are doing this entrapment on a daily basis to everyone else.
By the way that slut that bashed that off duty cop up did you see her stick her finger up at the camera? Well a set of bolt cutters would have done justice here. Everyone has a right to walk down the street without being assaulted even most bent cops have that right.

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By any chance did anyone see this mornings news what happened in the US? Yes somewhere in United States there was a car chase and the offender crashed and he ran out of the car placed himself on the ground and the cops came running in after he FULLY SURRENDERED only to BASH him.
What a bunch of THUGS!!, mind you he was on the ground not resisting in any way but a cop came in with his knee kneeing him in the spine and threw as punch at the defenseless person. More cops came in and joined the abuse of a civilian by kicking him, YES KICKING him non stop. But It was lucky that a neighbour across the road up a floor took a good video of the entire incident.
You know these thugs should be sacked and given a prison term, a prison with no protective custody in other words they should be mixed with the general population of prisoners and LETS SIT BACK AND WATCH THE PAYBACK!!!.( Now I would like to see that on YouTube)
This is the reason why we Australians must fight back against Police Corruption in any way even if its something minor like that HOON COP in WA chucking a loop de loop on a gravel surface or that stupid bitch of a cop doing a MOMO in the Police station on a confiscated scooter where both video's were put on Myspace or YouTube for public viewing. The Police are using technology against us so let us turn the tables on them and see how they like it.
Police Corruption Everywhere.
What I would like is for someone to start a new section for videos on YouTube, Myspace or where ever showing cops behaving badly, now that would make me happy. Go for it guys and gals!! You will get plenty of views.

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It was on Ch 10 tonight
Disgrace thats all I want to say. devil
MOMO you mean Mono I think.
We all know regarding what State you live in the Police today have rules and Laws for the population that are different for themselves.
They make em but sometimes are the first to break em too l_sabre

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Good to see people looking at this Useless post to, Hi girls Yes more corruption in the QLD Police service, its daily event up here now. Did anyone on the weekend on the ABC see the Doc about the Fitzgerald's inquire It was brilliant, corruption from the grass to the top floor and just think those cops have a hide to be Judge Jury and executer, Piss off go play in jail corrupt cops.

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Are Police above the law in QLD??

Of course they're!!! mad
Do you read that the Queensland Police that are on a provisional drivers license do not need to display a "P" plate whilst driving a Police vehicle on duty.
Because it would look silly that a cop mainly a Highway patrol man or Woman pulls you over for whatever and you have been driving for 40 years only to be told by a cop on a "P" plate with no experience what you are doing.
What a Joke the Police are today and its getting out of control the law they push on us only to break them themselves or in this case we don't need "P" plates after all the Police are super Human aren't they. mad mad shocking
Remember use your phone cameras and report all Police behaving badly to the CMC (Crimes Misconduct Commission) bounce

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Well its Easter time and its the best time for revenue collection for the Captain Bligh Government.

We continually hear on the news and read the papers that speed cameras are for saving lives on the road and not a revenue raising racket for the Government. But most of us have heard the police union dude (now disposed)say when the police are going on strike "QUOTE" WE WONT MAN THE SPEED CAMERAS AS THIS WILL HURT THE GOVERNMENT IN COLLECTING ITS REVENUE" now what a contradiction, what a Joke!, which one is it!.
Now I have repeated this before and and once again we have a holiday period that the general driving public will have to put up with all these dirty methods of collecting revenue for the greedy Captain Bligh Government.
Tell me this! just use a little common sense here, Police statistics prove that a motorist that has been booked for speeding via a speed camera has a high chance of getting booked again in the next 10 kms, Now tell me why? I can answer this for you, see the average motorist that gets booked by these sleazy tactics gets cheesed off that much that they drive off swearing their or her heads off and with a bit of heat under their butt they unfortunately speed again only to get caught by another cop with a camera hiding behind a bush.
Truthfully does this accomplish anything except making Captain revenue Bligh happier? No it doesn't all it does is pisses the public off more against the Revenue collecting Police.

You tell me what would save lives on our roads, cops hiding behind bushes, cops with their NEW BLACK Speed camera vans that they mainly use for NIGHTS ONLY White vans mostly used during the day? Cops in unmarked UTES, Cops in unmarked early model station wagons with their poxie flashing lights fitted in the rear of the wagon, this has nothing to do with saving lives on our roads today this has all to do with collecting EXTRA REVENUE for the greedy state Government and leaving booked motorist with hate and anger only to possibly cause an accident a few km's away because they have a dose of the shits because they were booked by (in this particular case) a TAILGATING COP IN A FUC.KING STATIONWAGON (unmarked Police car)pushing a young driver to go faster on the Bruce Highway only to be pulled over by a siren with hidden flashing lights. You wonder why the young drivers today hate the police using tactics like this to deliberately tailgate a young person in a modified vehicle, the person mistakenly speed to gets away from them only to be booked for doing 112 in in 100 zone. What a FUC.KING Disgrace. Mind you, I have written before how the police use dirty tactics to get out from being booked themselves. For those who have not read the article, what a policeperson does whilst driving their own private vehicle and they unfortunately go through a speed camera and they knowingly know that they are speeding, what the do is pull over the first vehicle they can past the speed camera, flashing their badge and they come up with any cock and bull story as to why they pulled them over. It might be a silly thing like your back wheel might be vibrating, you were weaving in and out of a lane or whatever, but most importantly the cop gets the details of the driver they pulled over and with these details they write a letter to whoever to escape them from getting a speeding ticket as they use the pulling of you over as the excuse at to why they were speeding and if it is investigated and someone contacts you, well you were pulled over weren't you?. What a sleazy way of getting out of paying a fine. If you by any chance are driving down a highway or any road and you mysteriously get pulled over by a cop, for whatever and the officer gets your details and probably not booked, get his details and report it to the crimes and misconduct commission if you are in queensland, they know all about this racket now. Someone has alarmed them to it. Mind you the young fella at the top which is a friend of mines son was pushed to break the law but the cops have an easy way out if they get caught speeding. I will let you know I was approached by channel 9 about this and they told me under the freedom of information act, they will be investigating it.
To save lives on our roads we must have marked police cars everywhere because even the idiot on the road that speeds and swerves and changes lanes dangerously will respect a marked police car and do the right thing but unfortunately too many marked police cars cost money, wages to drive the car and the price of fuel and at the end of the day, no one is going to speed when a marked police car is present and Captain Bligh is not going to be happy as she won't be collecting any revenue. What a croc, you make your own opinion.
On another note, I have been told by a few now that the police look for you if you flash your head lights warning motorists of speed cameras, they book you (varies in states) for using high beam in a built up area, well the word getting around now is do not use your high beam to warn motorists during the day, just turn your head lights on and off, they cannot book you for turning your head lights on and off. Also, if you take the matter to court, you tell the magistrate that I did turn my head lights on and off, but I did not flash them as in high beams. I have principles, if I ever got pulled over for flashing my headlights, I would say no, I did not flash my headlights, I turned my lights on and off in low beam, but knowing the cops these days, they will probably come out with their new charge and its called DENYING THE GOVERNMENT REVENUE. I am so surprised just today the amount of people that are warning motorists of an oncoming speed camera, in all the years I have been driving and since the speed cameras have been out, I have never seen a large amount of people warning motorists about these revenue collectors collecting for the state government. It just shows you, people have just had enough and can see what they are up to.

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Oh not again!!! mad
We have more corrupt police making the front page but this time its the full front page. Yes a drunk cop on duty carrying out a Breath test, YOU HAVE TO BE JOKING Personally I am sick of Police behaving badly and I am sick of corrupt police being protected by their own.
Here in QLD Police corruption is rife we have one law for them (NONE)and one for the rest of the population.
You would be surprised how many Police lately have fronted the courts to plead either guilty or to fight a criminal charges only to be protected by a ARMYof police in the court room and if you read the story in the Courier Mail today (24/03/08)you will read the comments put against a respectable person like Queensland's Council for Civil Liberties vice-president Terry O'Gorman. Yes Terry, you will ask for another royal commission against the police service, the only trouble is you will have to wait for years as you know, as the most Hated Government department takes up most of the CMC's time. You can bet your dollar all negative replies are from cops possibly some bent ones in there.
I will say this again and againand I will give you an example!!
If a Electrician is caught tampering with an Electricity meter for the only purpose of cheating the Electricity companies he or she should immediately lose their license and receive a MASSIVE FINE Why? because he or she should know better and if another person did the same outside the trade its only reasonable that they should receive a minor sentence or fine.

If a Police officer breaks any of their laws that they are supposed to represent they should receive MASSIVE FINES, and for Major offenses they should get a custodial sentence full stop!
After all they know the law so they have to show an example of following it. This is getting out of control what our bent police service is getting up to today.
I'M SICK OF IT!!and one day I will tell you why and what has made me this way.

Last edited by I Hate GOV, DEPT; Sun 23 Mar 2008 08:05:PM.
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I spotted this morning on the Bruce Hwy a suspiciously parked old VR 1994 Commodore parked behind the wall near Mango Mill going North.
Now I spotted the same car a few days ago hiding behind this wall but what happened this morning was a ripper. See the car in front of me was a new VE SS MARKED police Hwy patrol commodore and it was slowly slowing before the end of the wall where this Old commodore has been hiding, the New VE Police car put its blinker on and slowed down slowing me down as I was behind it and this Police car turned sharply in the gravel and stopped in front of the hidden VR 1994 old Commodore.
Now I was doing around 80k in a 100 zone being slowed down by the cop and I looked in my rear mirror and what did i see as expected a piggy getting out of the cop car but what got me was a piggy getting out of the parked hidden VR commodore.
These arse's know that radio stations broadcast there positions where they hide with their radars but most would not expect to see a OLD COMMODORE being used as a vehicle used for speed cameras purposes.
For me like what happened this morning the marked VE Commodore SS was followed by a hundred cars and nobody passed it, this is the way to keep loonies of our road not hide a cash register in a old VR Commodore behind the walls.

How Pathatic!.

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The Police in the Gold Coast area are above the law.
What chance have you people got with Child Safety when your police is so corrupt.

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And so it is.

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Originally Posted by ew_289
The Police in the Gold Coast area are above the law.
What chance have you people got with Child Safety when your police is so corrupt.

I will do some digging tomorrow about this matter at the Gold Coast, it stinks to hell and hell they will all go.
Like I said before Channel 7 had 9 minutes of the 15 allocated for news on this matter tonight.

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I love police Corruption!, If the Police are corrupt so are DOCS.

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fuckheads and the same turds have a hide to book you for speeding

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The senior police officers bully the new recruits into the corruption....the problem is at the top....get those morons and the rst will crumble

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It's the same with any organisation, government or not, they all get away with it, so the day those morons get it at the top, things should hopefully get fairer, we can only hope !

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There is no way that the police are law abiding.

I expect that there are only a handful of genuine law abiding police officers out there. Half a handful perhaps.

Just recently in the media here on the Gold Coast there was a lot of hoopla about police corruption and the execution of illegal warrants. Internal affairs were urging citizens who had had warrants executed on them to come forward.

One thing I have noticed with the police, particularly JAB, is that many of them are ignorant and give no quarter when it comes to the emotional well being of a child when dealing with his/her parent/s.

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There are ex cops infiltrated in council positions as would seem they shaft them in all areas of gov......
In my opinion....if the cops are armed, the public are mad handing in what few weapons they may sure looks like their next step will be martial law...then look out for us all.....

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i'll be dead by then thank Christ

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I don't follow politics, so I haven't got a clue.

But I suppose if a comedian can become a politician then anything is possible.

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The cops are just as corrupt as the Department, I personally knew corrupt officers, they are as corrupt as they come, and now days children are scared of the police.

What happened to Innocent until proven guilty
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Children shouldn't be scared of police. It's completely wrong - but that is how society is going these days.

My 8 year old daughter already associates police with jail. She thinks that if anyone is involved with the police they're going straight to jail.

She never even knew what jail was before this mess with DoCS.

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Let's just say if my kids have any future hassles I've told them to go to your average joe before a copper!

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Good girl!!

Last edited by I Hate GOV, DEPT; Wed 29 Oct 2008 08:35:PM.
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Ha ha ha,

guess what? My child wants to be a police man when he grows up.
Hmm I will certainly not encourage that career choice.

Just the other day I saw a cop car stop some car outside the school. The young girl cop got out of the cop car and then said something to the man and he had to pull open the bonnet of the car.

I muttered under my breath. It wasn't a good look outside a school.

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