Big Chief, what Mr Apsattv says is quite right. The AssureSat group was formed and even issued orders for two satellites but problems when the call for cash came about - not all wanted to pay up so the group fizzled out (pardon the pun. Optus was supposed to be part of this group.<br /><br />Be very interesting to see what the K1w1s end up with as a replacement satellite. They have certainly put the acid on Optus to provide a replacement, and to date operators using B3 have not been approached/advices about B3 replacing B1. We will soon see.<br /><br />Of course, the K1w1s could opt out all together and do an orderly dual feed/repoint to an alternate satellite provider. There must be fine print in their contract somewhere that they could invoke and say "no" to Optus.<br />All will be revealed soon...........