(OFF Topic a little)See its a master plan!!! Jackboot Jonnie Coward whats to remove Unions to bring us in line like other countries. I come from a very strong union background where I have been a delegate for many years and if it wasn't for the electrical trade union, I would not be where I am now in any way. We had great wages, great conditions and a very happy and productive working environment. Mind you, I was getting paid as an electrical tradesman over $60,000 a year with a little after hours calls back in 1990, with a company car, they paid my home phone expenses, a list too long to type what goodies we used to get, 4 weeks annual leave and being a government job, we were the first in Australia to get this thing called superannuation, yes finally when they made us all redundant, it would have been cheaper if they had shot us than pay us out and the stupidity was not only they got rid of us, contractors couldn't handle the work and bought us back as consultants at $55.00 an hour plus. I spent 28 years working for the government and loved every bit of it. Now, because we were so well off, the majority of us had our mortgages paid off and had no debts whatsoever, we could afford to go on strike, actually 4 weeks annual leave wasn't enough, so the odd week or two strike was a plus for us. Nobody cared about the money they lost. But in all the years I was there, there were very few strikes over money. They mainly were over personal matters like one of the tradesmen came to work drunk, one of the workers always came to work late or not at all when he was needed. The management sacked them and I got them reinstated, mainly because there is always a reason behind this and there always was, like the mans wife kicked him out of his house when he was in the right so he went to alcohol. But I always believed in my Maltese/Arabic background to find mud on a boss because if he uses unfair advantages to remove a worker, I will use unfair advantages to remove the boss. See, Johnnie Howard wants to introduce and will introduce these draconian legislations on July the 1st for unfair dismissal and industrial relations changes. Up here in Queensland, very few are in unions and they all are being sodomised, yes the boss orders them to work on the weekend at normal pay otherwise you will get the sack. The list is a mile long of the dirty tactics they use to intimidate their workers. People who know me know that I was responsible in Sydney for a company to lose a 32 million dollar contract because of dirty tactics. I always believe in finding mud against a company and a boss, something thats good enough to cause a company to lose a multi million contract by failing to meet it. Yes, I was shit on, yes they bought me in the office and yes I was sacked on the spot, but did anyone ever see that police series called Columbo? when he walks away, but then comes back to drop some more evidence. When I was sacked on the spot in the office, for complaining against the company I worked with which were breaking safety issues, I walked out of that office with my cheque where there were 4 people in there. I walked out the door a few metres and I did a Columbo and I walked back in. To their dismay I said very clearly "BY THE WAY, I THOUGHT I MIGHT LET YOU KNOW, YOU'RE ABOUT TO LOSE YOUR CONTRACT". I laughed at them, walked out and closed the door. Within 14 days, this company lost the contract and they were all out on their asses and I enjoyed it too as some of the workers which I tried to help because they were doing unsafe high voltage switching were the ones who were responsible for stabbing me in the back. Now, I won't tell you what nationality they were, but they were very similar to a 'DR DEATH' we have got here in Queensland.<br />Boring, Jackboot Johnnie Howard wanted to remove firearms as the master plan, he used Port Arthur as an excuse to remove firearms from peoples property. The only thing that stops him from being a dictator is unions and a rebellious population armed with firearms. We all see what happened in America back in 1975-1980 when all government bodies were removed and privatised, the new private companies took over the employees, screwed them for wages and any other conditions they could get their hands on, but America being different and plenty of guns, the amount of bosses who were shot dead in the first 12 months of privatisation was unrealistic. The most dangerous place to work for and be a boss in America was the postal service, at one stage they were shooting a boss a week. Now, of course we are not as mad here is Australia (not yet) but peoples anger will bring it this way and when you hear what I have seen up here that a manager at Centrelink that has a brother that owns a factory and the factory owner gets workers from Centrelink then sacks them (finds any excuse because he doesn't want this god worker to go past his probation period). So, what happens is he continually recycles workers and removes them, good or bad before the probation period finishes. By doing this, the company saves mega dollars and just think, in the new legislation thats about to hit in the next few weeks, Howard has doubled the probation time so you will be able to be screwed up to 6 months now and one week before your six months is up, they sack you and find someone else straight out of Centrelink. Now, we won't talk about the electrical sales shop up here that was on A Current Affair under a very similar circumstance as above, where the shop was giving away DVD players and small TV's to employment agencies for finding workers and recycling them as above and Johnnie Howard said on TV that that was perfectly ok. <br />I pity whats going to happen after July the first and maybe I should inject everyone in this country with a bit of Maltese/Arabic blood, so you can stand up for your rights, because what is going to happen is companies are going to make workers turn against themselves and they want this.