Lazer, you said that the game was replayed on Vizyon the day after. Well how are we supposed to know that? When we go to look for the TV Guide for Vizyon on the UBI Site it says:<br /><br />"Vizyon does not provide an online TV Guide.<br /><br />Please close this window to return to the UBI World TV Website."<br /><br />Are we expected to watch Vizyon 24/7 and wait for the ads to come up saying when things will be shown?<br /><br />Also, why doesnt UBI do some sort of deal with Setanta Sports and make the matches pay per-view or something? I know i wouldnt mind paying an extra $10-$15 to see a match, and people have to pay to get into the venues where the matches are being shown anyway.<br /><br />If they did work out some sort of arragement they could also allow non-members of UBI to watch the matches for a pay per-view (one time) fee, where they open the channel for the duration of the match and then close to afterwards.<br /> <br /> <small>[ 07. June 2005, 05:21 PM: Message edited by: imparator_fatih_terim ]</small>