I have programed the dreambox keyboard to do my Nokias and it does all functions of the Dreambox plus more. Press the yellow button and a menu comes up, I select web browser hit enter, the web browser is up on the TV, hit menu on the keyboard, hity "F" for file and away i go... Once you select aus-city its fully up on my TV in 5 seconds, Only the resolution problem has to be sorted out and I have been told how to do it but I think I need a REST!! and someone with more brains then me to. This Resolution modifications requires someone with GOOD telnet experience.<br />The standard Dreambox has 64mb onboard and i have added another 512mb as the web browser is stored in the USB stick plugged in the rear. I could have used an internal hard drive but living in QLD heat is a factor so i decided to use a USB stick. Xbox hard drives are best suited for this as they are 10gig and pull less than 400mA and generate little heat.