I concur with satfreak. TARBS, and other PayTV providers in Australia rely on the fact that if they have a “different” encryption system than the rest of the world they have a better chance of it staying un-hacked. Well guess what boys? We live opposite Asia! A couple of billion hackers, which would sell their mother for a dollar! You’ll have to do much better than that, boys.<br />BTW, providers of Australia. If you weren’t so greedy and untrusting and do what the rest of the world does (sell sub cards, reasonably cheap), the margin wouldn’t be as attractive to hackers, lots more people would afford it, you’d actually make a profit as less overheads and finally if your encryption system got hacked you would only have to send out new cards and change encryption. That simple! But naaaa, you’re greedy and charge 4 times the price ‘cause you can. <strong> Well,… serves you rite! Suffer!</strong>